As the democratic consciousness spreads, there may be such a coalescing of interests that violence will cease.
In 1901 the Blanquists withdrew and, coalescing with the Guesdists, formed the Socialist Party of France--"Parti Socialiste de France.
Their overthrow was accomplished by the coalescing of the old parties into a Citizens' Party, a line-up between radicalism and conservatism that will probably become the rule in American local politics.
The Bradford convention was merely the coalescing of many local movements.
At present it is like a number of round-edged boards of every size, set on end, and slowly coalescing at their edges.
The secondaries on this side are white, marked about the middle by two large coalescing black spots, and nearer the costa a large pear-shaped spot, both ringed about with black lines.
The first subcostal vein varies as to location, rising either before or after the end of the cell, and, in numerous cases, coalescingwith the costal vein, as is shown in the cut.
The os entoglossum originally paired, but coalescing into an arrow-headed piece, attached to the anterior end of the basihyal and lodged in the tongue proper.
Lastly, towards the caudal region the right and left strands approach and anastomose, eventually coalescing in the mid line.
But this communication must be indeed very imperfect at first, since the two portions of bowel lie parallel to each other, and their coalescing sides form an acute angular projection into this funnel-shaped cavity.
What was true of individuals was true of the States coalescing to form a union or confederation.
The eggs were white, covered with brownish-pink blotches almost coalescing at the large end.
The electrified particles of the first cloud close when they lose their fire; the particles of the other clouds close in receiving it: in both, they have thereby an opportunity of coalescing into drops.
The threads then completely envelop the food, coalescing as soon as they touch, thus bringing it within the animal.
The hills are covered with distinct small shrubs, nevercoalescing into patches.
The hills are as usual barren, all the shrubs are thorny, and all the plants unsocial, never coalescinginto any thing like groups.
Mesethmoid in the adult ossified in its entire length, and coalescing with the surrounding bones.
Mesethmoid cartilage densely ossified in adult age, and coalescing with the surrounding bones of the rostrum.
In all the males the patches were diffuse, that at the apex almost coalescing with the border.
The coalescing members of the combinations here so greatly exceed in number and force those that remain separated, that there is no consciousness of the latter.
Nothing can change the sound of a voual but an other voual coalescing with it into one sound, of quhilk we have spoaken sufficientlie, cap.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coalescing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: amalgamation; combining; connecting; uniting