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Example sentences for "coalheaver"

Lexicographically close words:
coalescent; coalesces; coalescing; coalfield; coalfields; coaling; coalition; coalitions; coalman; coals
  1. The coalheaver muttered a terrible oath; however, the man came on, but whether the darkness sufficed to frighten him, or whether he saw something suspicious moving there, it was evident that he experienced some fear.

  2. For an instant he appeared to hesitate to approach this man; but the coalheaver having sung the same air and the same burden, he appeared to lose all hesitation, and went straight to him.

  3. The coalheaver and the man in the cloak uttered an exclamation of astonishment, which was repeated along the street as if every door had an echo.

  4. The coalheaver saw that a cry might lose all, and moved, as if to spring on the passenger; his companion held him back.

  5. At this sight, as there was no longer any doubt of their intention, the coalheaver uttered a malediction, and the man in the cloak a cry of rage.

  6. The coalheaver took the cloak that he was wearing and folded it in three folds.

  7. The allusion is to the traditional story of the coalheaver whom the devil sought to convince of the irrationality of belief in the Trinity.

  8. They say that Coalheaver can't run for the Leger.

  9. Dolph sprang on board at their heels, and the young coalheaver thrust the bows across with his pole.

  10. That's so," the young coalheaver answered.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coalheaver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.