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Example sentences for "cloaking"

Lexicographically close words:
cloaca; cloacal; cloak; cloake; cloaked; cloakroom; cloaks; cloam; cloath; cloathed
  1. Commanders, who, cloaking their fear under show of sage advice, counseled the general to retreat.

  2. What witchery wins my feet To peaks so sheer they scorn the cloaking snow, All silent as the emerald gulfs below, Down whose ice-walls the wings of twilight beat?

  3. To peaks so sheer they scorn the cloaking snow, All silent as the emerald gulfs below, Down whose ice-walls the wings of twilight beat?

  4. I wanted so much to have you look in the branches of the tree and see if by chance you saw any scrap of cloth that did look like the cloaking of a witch.

  5. From this, it was but a step to suspicion of all his acts; and after that came uncharitableness, and hatred cloaking itself under love of justice and pious devotion to holy Church, which had been thus outraged in the person of its priest.

  6. There were no visible cracks, no cloaking of climbing vegetation, nothing to suggest age and long roots in the valley.

  7. And that realization struck home with a thrust of real and terrible fear which tore away more of the bewilderment cloaking his mind.

  8. Any heart--not Nathalie's only--must have been touched by this bashful cloaking of the warm token of friendship.

  9. The truth is always concealed by those writers who are cloaking their antipathy against monarchy, in their declamations against the writings of James I.

  10. Other Traditions sinned yet more grievously in the cloaking of sins and impurities.

  11. Neither did he hide that which he knew, cloaking it from you his disciples, for to keep you in ignorance and in suspense; but he spake as he knew, and all that he knew, so far as ye could understand it.

  12. But nothing occurred to hinder or alarm; and the darkness cloaking us only too effectually, and my accomplice directing me where to find the ladder, I fetched it, and with her help thrust it over the fence and climbed over after it.

  13. Doubtless Smith was too busy, cloaking his own movements, to be observant of mine.

  14. Out again in the storm he half circled the main body of the house, fumbling in the cloaking blackness at yet more snugly fastened windows.

  15. Beyond was cloaking impenetrable blackness, a deep and Stygian gloom; the most confirmed Styg could have desired none deeper.

  16. Suddenly a terrible roar came from the ground almost at his feet, and a huge body flashed from the cloaking verdure and leaped at the hairy chest of the astonished man-thing.

  17. While from the depths of a tangled maze of cloaking underbrush, at the very point he was nearing, two baleful yellow eyes were fixed in unblinking attention upon him and the girl he carried!

  18. Viewed through the cloaking dust the figures drifted past us like the unreal shapes of a dream.

  19. I figured to my own satisfaction that one of the enemy planes which were chased away the night before had taken advantage of the cloaking mists of the new day to slip back and pay his outrageous compliments to an unsuspecting municipality.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cloaking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    coating; covering; dissimulation; eclipse; envelopment; hiding; incrustation; occultation; sheathing; shielding; upholstery; wrapping