This hope al clene out of his herte fledde, He nath wher-on now lenger for to honge; But for the peyne him thoughte his herte bledde, 1200 So were his throwes sharpe and wonder stronge.
Criseyde, al quit from every drede and tene, As she that iuste cause hadde him to triste, Made him swich feste, it Ioye was to sene, Whan she his trouthe and clene entente wiste.
Through which I see that clene out of your minde 1695 Ye han me cast, and I ne can nor may, For al this world, with-in myn herte finde To unloven yow a quarter of a day!
The while he was a yong child · clene lif he ladde i-nough; Whenne other children ornen to pleye · toward churche he drough.
Nou ich am in clene live, Ne recche ich of childe ne of wive.
To serve Accidie in his office, Ther is of Slowthe an other vice, 540 Which cleped is Foryetelnesse; That noght mai in his herte impresse Of vertu which reson hath sett, So clene his wittes he foryet.
And so the vessel which for blod Was mad, Silvestre, ther it stod, With clene water of the welle In alle haste he let do felle, And sette Constantin therinne Al naked up unto the chinne.
Bot overthis, so as I dar, With al min herte I you beseche, That ye me wolde enforme and teche 3700 What ther is more of youre aprise In love als wel as otherwise, So that I mai me clene schryve.
If thou shuldest refuse to do any of these thynges, and woldest assaye to do some thing of more sadnes and prudence, they wyll esteme and count the vnmanerly, cloubbysshe, frowarde, and clene contrarye to all mennes myndes.
One sayd the eie, an other the nose; but Antony, bycause he knew his enuyer wolde name the clene contrarye, sayde the mouth was the most reuerent parte.
Nou ich am in clenelive Ne recche ich of childe ne of wive.
Held it ſundri in clene ſtede, and placed it in the tabernacle.
Now I bikenne thee Crist," quod she, 980 "And his clene moder, And lat no conscience acombre thee For coveitise of Mede.
A thousand of men tho Thrungen togideres, Cride upward to Crist, And to his clene moder, To have grace to go with hem Truthe to seke.
He hath moore bileve, as I leve, To lacche through his croune Cure, than for konnyng, Or knowen for clene berynge.
Mildely Mede thanne Merciede hem alle Of hire grete goodnesse, And gaf hem echone Coupes of clene gold, And coppes of silver, 1400 Rynges with rubies, And richesses manye; The leeste man of hire meynee A moton of golde.
For he was so clene a maye, On Crystys brest aslepe he laye, The prevyteys of hevyn ther he saye.
Qwhen Cryst beforne Pilate was browte, Hys clene mayd forsoke hym nowte, To deye with hym was all hys thowte, Amici Christi, Johannes.
Whether he or his ministers by his sufferance do take in suche as they reken moste clene of the poore, and repell theym that they reken most sore or deseased, for auoydyng of their owne lothesomenes or contagion.
Inmates at Ewelme must be restful and peaceable, attending to prayer, reading or work; their outdoor employment was to “kepe clene the closter and the quadrate abowte the welle fro wedis and all odyr unclennesse.
And Noe made an aulter vnto the LORDE/ and toke of all maner of clenebeastes and all maner of clene foules/ and offred sacrifyce vppon the aulter.
And of clene beastes and of beastes that are vnclene and of byrdes and of all that crepeth vppo the erth/ came in by cooples of every kynde vnto Noe in to the arke: a male and a female: even as God commaunded Noe.
Love hath my name y-strike out of his sclat, And he is strike out of my bokes clene For ever-mo; ther is non other mene.
And when he wasclene armed he took Sir Launcelot's horse, for he was better than his; and so departed they from the Cross.
And as he was there, there came a knight riding on the horse that the yeoman led, and he was clene armed.
For thou hast resembled me in two things; in that thou hast seen the marvels of the Sangreal, in that thou hast been a clene maiden, as I have been and am.
And within he found a fair altar, full richly arrayed with cloth of clene silk, and there stood a fair clean candlestick, which bare six great candles, and the candlestick was of silver.
Thus coyntly it kept was, all with clene art, By too oxen, oribull on for to loke, And a derfe dragon, drede to behold.
The clene hertes Christ He curteyliche blissed 1270 That coveten no catel But Christes fulle blysse, That leveth fulliche on God, And lelliche thenketh On his lore and his lawe, And lyveth opon trewthe.
Kepen it clene an houre, That I ne soiled it with sighte Or som ydel speche, Or thorugh werk, or thorugh word, Or wille of myn herte, That I ne flobre it foule Fro morwe til even.
Ech man subtileth a sleighte Synne for to hide, And coloureth it for a konnynge, And a clene lyvynge.
See fyrst on thyself, And sithen on another, And clense clene thy syght, And kepe wel thyne eighe, And for another mannes eighe Ordeyne after.
His kyrtel of clene whiit, Clenlyche y-sewed, Hit was good y-now of ground Greyn for to beren.
His cope, that bi-clypped hym, Wel clenewas it folden, Of double worstede y-dyght Doun to the hele.
The third and most elaborate was 'a tigre lokyng in a mirrour and a man sittyng on horse backe, clene armyd, holdyng in his armys a tiger whelpe, with this reason (i.
Love hath my name i-strike out of his sclat, struck, slate And he is strike out of my bokes clene books For evermo, there is none other mene.
In the fourteenth century Anturs of Arthur we read: His mayles were mylke quyte, enclawet full clene His stede trappet with that ilke, as true men me told.
With scharfe weppun and schene Gay gownes of grene To hold theyr armour clene And werre it from the wette.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clene" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.