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Example sentences for "circulatory"

Lexicographically close words:
circulates; circulating; circulation; circulations; circulator; circuli; circulo; circulus; circum; circumambient
  1. The fluid should be diluted one-half for the first part of the injection, and sufficient fluid used to reach all parts of the circulatory system.

  2. In tuberculosis there is a state of over-stimulation of the circulatory system due to the toxins.

  3. In fact, the whole circulatory system must be regarded as one.

  4. The circulatory symptoms are most prominent and demand most attention.

  5. The circulatory and gastro-intestinal symptoms were quite similar to those caused by the A.

  6. Sometimes the gastro-intestinal symptoms are less severe or may be absent, though they are usually present; in that case the nervous symptoms are more prominent, particularly the convulsions and circulatory disturbance.

  7. The circulatory system, as seen in the injected specimen.

  8. The changes in the respiratory and circulatory system during metamorphosis.

  9. A copy of the diagram or model of the circulatory system.

  10. Under the arms the heart will be seen; it will be studied as a part of the circulatory system.

  11. The Alimentary Canal and the Circulatory System of the Fish Materials.

  12. It meant nothing out of the ordinary any more than a primary lesson on the circulatory system did, it was knowledge on nature in its purity and simplicity taught by mother, and hence caused no surprise.

  13. The origin of the circulatory and respiratory organs is of especial interest in the frog.

  14. From the mesoblast the muscles, the dermis genital and excretory organs, circulatory fluid and apparatus, any skeletal structures; and all connective tissue are derived.

  15. Give a short account, with diagrammatic figures, of the principal changes which occur in the circulatory and respiratory organs during the metamorphosis of the tadpole into the frog.

  16. Colic resulting from circulatory disturbances is not common.

  17. In strangles, the disease-producing organism may be carried to different regions of the body by the circulatory vessels.

  18. Worms may irritate the intestinal mucous membrane and interfere with digestion, obstruct the intestine and cause debility and circulatory disturbances.

  19. The character of the above circulatory changes depends on the extent of the injury to the tissue.

  20. The circulatory organs are the heart, arteries, veins and lymphatics.

  21. The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system (Fig.

  22. These circulatory changes are followed by the migration of the blood cells, and the escape of the fluid portion of the blood into the surrounding tissue.

  23. Shock, a serious condition of acute circulatory failure, usually accompanies a severe or painful injury, a serious loss of blood, or a severe emotional upset.

  24. The difficulty of determining the fate of radionuclides in aquatic systems is complicated by chemical and biological differences within the system and by the variety and scope of the circulatory mechanisms.

  25. One of these tests involved the detonation of an atomic device under water, in the heart of the atoll's aquatic circulatory system.

  26. The fetus has an independent circulatory system of its own, and yet, at the same time, from the moment of the placental connection until the moment of childbirth, all its nourishment is derived from its mother.

  27. Besides this, the open-air exercise developed their lung-power and stimulated their circulatory system.

  28. For instance, one sphere wherein its influence is manifestly great, is in the structure of the nervous, osseous, muscular, circulatory and vascular systems.

  29. The circulatory system, the respiratory system, and nearly all the involuntary organs of the body form a great sounding board which instantly responds in various ways to the situations of life.

  30. Sometimes the action is accelerated, at other times it is retarded, and in some cases the respiratory and circulatory organs are almost paralyzed.

  31. The elapsed time is a good indication of the presence or absence of constrictions or obstructions in the circulatory system.

  32. It is obvious that the blood-flow rate is an extremely important physiological quantity, and a doctor must know it to treat either heart ailments or circulatory disturbances.

  33. These are successively injected into the circulatory system.

  34. The vertebral arteries being much smaller than the carotids, the circulatory disturbance in the brain is not adjusted with sufficient promptness.

  35. Modifications of the circulatory and respiratory apparatus are obviously characteristic.

  36. But persons have been resuscitated from a state of asphyxia or have recovered from a state of catalepsy or lethargy in whom, to all appearances, the respiratory and circulatory processes have been arrested.

  37. Massage, well given by a skilful masseuse twice a week, will greatly tone up the nervous and circulatory systems.

  38. It is quite possible that this is due to the altered circulatory conditions of the menopause.

  39. Additional causes are found in the circulatory disturbances in the pelvic organs, whereby the outflow of blood from the pelvic vessels is hindered a chronic congestion in the uterine vessels is produced.

  40. A low fever is common and so are skin and circulatory anomalies.

  41. Without this normal hormone for the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, there would be a disturbance of skin and circulatory reactions that would interfere with the normal heat loss.

  42. Direct involvement of vessels is the commoner form of circulatory disturbance which occasions lameness, and the most frequent cause is of parasitic origin.

  43. Circulatory stimulants also have been given, but it is doubtful if any good has come from medication.

  44. A similar difference, quite on a par with this, exists in the circulatory system.

  45. How slowly and surely the circulatory system improved!

  46. When not actually boiling, there is a slow circulatory movement, and the great flakes of black crust, suggesting scum, drift across from one end to the other and are drawn under the rocks.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circulatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.