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Example sentences for "chorister"

Lexicographically close words:
chori; choric; choring; chorion; choris; choristers; choro; chorography; choroid; choroidal
  1. As a chorister I sang at the funeral of the eminent engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and wore the old-fashioned black scarf and black gloves.

  2. Shortly after this letter was written Byron visited Cambridge, where, among the many memories which that place awakened, a remembrance of the young chorister and their ardent friendship was most vivid.

  3. He was a cabinet-maker by trade, a chorister by choice, and a deacon by the vote of the church.

  4. On the same principle Europeans subjected their boys to a like operation to fit them for a chorister life or the stage, where fame and honor and wealth were to be found.

  5. The Italians allowed their children to be eunuchized for chorister purposes in church services, their soprano voices after this treatment being simply perfect.

  6. I have been accepted as chorister in the cathedral of this city at a salary of 80 th.

  7. He was a pupil of Byrd, and was probably a chorister of St Paul's Cathedral.

  8. If we could prove that the suggestion is true which makes him a Chorister at Christ Church, Oxford, we should know where he probably got his musical knowledge and his proficiency in Latin.

  9. Matthew Locke laid the foundation of his art as a chorister in an English Cathedral, and at Exeter there is evidence that he occupied that position in 1638.

  10. Chorister of Christ Church), because they consider the Roman Catholic recusant can never have sent his son to any heretical school.

  11. Let us begin with recording his admission as a Chorister to the Chapel Royal--one of the "clever boys" whom Captain Cooke got together and taught.

  12. A priest in black cassock and a chorister in white followed the cardinal, the priest wiping the foreheads with a piece of cotton and the chorister taking the candles which were handed to him as offerings to the church.

  13. I didn't see it was your mother," the chorister pleaded, trying to ward off the blows.

  14. But the chaplain, peacefully awaiting, gently repeated his text after the chant, and to my great relief the old chorister waived all further recitative, and let the funeral discourse proceed.

  15. Instantly, to my great amazement, the cracked voice of the chorister was uplifted, intoning the text, as if it were the first verse of another hymn.

  16. He became a chorister in St. Stephen's Church, but offended the choir-master by the revolt on the part of himself and parents from submitting to the usual means then taken to perpetuate a fine soprano in boys.

  17. But the chaplain, peacefully awaiting, gently repeated his text after the chant, and to my great relief the old chorister waived all further recitative and let the funeral discourse proceed.

  18. When Henry Purcell, the younger, became a chorister in the Chapel Royal at six years of age, the master of the boys was Captain Henry Cooke, an old musician, who had belonged to the chapel of Charles I.

  19. It is certain that he was immediately admitted as a chorister of the Chapel Royal.

  20. It was no light matter to disobey the senior chorister in the cathedral.

  21. The little old men, to whom each chorister had bowed profoundly as they passed him, turned, and bent their severe yellow faces upon Aultane.

  22. I do not press the matter until I hear the complaint of the senior chorister against Aultane," said he aloud, to Mr. Wilberforce.

  23. Senior chorister as before, but not senior boy yet.

  24. There the handsome, sprightly boy with the large melancholy eyes attracted the notice of the priest, Pere Besson, who made him a chorister and gave him some instruction.

  25. Afternoon service hangs heavily; and the tall chorister is by no means so blithe, or so majestic in the toss of his head, as in the morning.

  26. Close beside him a small urchin of a chorister was singing away with the face of an ecstatic seraph; whence that ecstasy arose the urchin would have been puzzled to tell.

  27. Neither organist nor chorister was visible, and Taffy tiptoed along the aisles in dread of disturbing them.

  28. The lady with whom he originally proposed to brave the future was one of his own pupils--the younger of the two daughters of Barber Keller, to whom he had been introduced when he was a chorister at St Stephen's.

  29. The pig-tail of the chorister sitting before him offered an irresistible attraction; one snip and lo!

  30. The mass was written to the order of a certain Herr Liebe de Kreutzner, and the composer is said to have taken special pains with it, perhaps because it reminded him of his early struggling days as a chorister in Vienna.

  31. Fortunately, his sight was still good, which helped him very much in his work; and he found less difficulty, after all, than the chorister had feared.

  32. The baby grew, and the earnings were very small; besides, the chorister had charged a rouble for his lessons, and God knows how much time the study-hours occupied each day.

  33. He conceived the idea of settling the matter by asking the chorister to teach him, so that when the time came he would be able to teach the child to read and write without any one's assistance.

  34. He was, for some years, a chorister at Westminster Abbey, but early adopted painting as his profession.

  35. On the broad windowsill at her right stood an oval, brass filigree frame holding a photograph of Leighton in his chorister vestments, and in front of the picture a dozen violets filled a wine-glass.

  36. It was the good fortune of the author to be called to serve as chorister and superintendent of rural Sunday schools, and leader of the choir of the church, in his early youth.

  37. The lady principal served as superintendent of the Sunday school, and as organist and chorister at all the other meetings.

  38. There were also six chorister boys, five of these being the same in both Cathedrals.

  39. The Episcopus Choristarum was a Chorister Bishop chosen by his Fellow Children upon St. Nicholas Day.

  40. The very same was done by the Chorister Bishop and his Canons upon the Eve and Holiday.

  41. In case the Chorister Bishop died within the Month, his Exequies were solemnized with an answerable glorious pomp and sadness.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chorister" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cantor; choirmaster; singer; vocalist