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Example sentences for "chesnut"

Lexicographically close words:
cherubs; chervil; ches; chescun; chese; chesnuts; chess; chessboard; chesse; chessman
  1. The root being dried and beaten into powder, and the powder made into an electuary, is as singular a remedy for spitting and pissing of blood, as the former Chesnut was for coughs.

  2. The bark of the Chesnut tree is dry and binding, and stops fluxes.

  3. They had dinner early at Chesnut Bank on Sundays, to let the servants get to afternoon church.

  4. Indeed, the Count very rarely attempted seignorial airs with his Chesnut Bank neighbour.

  5. And that was true of the Chesnut Bank household.

  6. He liked to keep a perpetual children's party going at Chesnut Bank; and there was not a governess in one of his friends' houses who did not owe to him many a grateful holiday.

  7. Thus, it has been found that in early spring the wood of the young shoots of the horse-chesnut contains 9·9 per cent of ash.

  8. My aides, Colonel Chesnut and Captain Lee, are authorized to make such demand of you.

  9. Colonel Chesnut dismounted so as the better to use his glass, and at that moment the column formed into line, by which the wind struck the flag so as to extend it, and it was plainly revealed to be that of the United States.

  10. Colonel Chesnut and Captain Lee are authorized by me to enter into such an agreement with you.

  11. Colonel Chesnut and Captain Lee will, for a reasonable time, await your answer.

  12. And Jacob took Rods of green Poplar, and of the Hazel and the Chesnut Tree, and pilled white streaks in them, and made the white appear which was in the Rods, etc.

  13. Behind the house there is a chesnut mare, she sinks knee-deep in the sand; she alone suits me.

  14. A beautiful tent was erected near the old people, and the newly-married dwelt therein, and the wife of Kugaul ordered her servants to attend to the chesnut mare as the apple of their eye.

  15. Chesnut and walnut here appeared, with some leguminous trees, which however did not ascend to 6000 feet.

  16. The oak and chesnut of this level (3000 feet), are both different from those which grow above, as are the brambles.

  17. Alvarado, on his swift chesnut mare, gave chace to one of the deer, which he wounded with his lance, but it escaped from him into the woods.

  18. I certainly saw Francisco de Morla along with Cortes, but he rode a chesnut horse that day.

  19. The same remark applies to forest trees; the original growth of wood, is rarely succeeded by a second of the same kind; pine is followed by oak, oak by chesnut, chesnut by hickory.

  20. It has been suggested that the Horse-Chesnut (AEsculus Hippocastanum) derived its name from the resemblance of the cicatrix of its leaf to a horse-shoe, with all its nails evenly placed.

  21. The old writers, however, seem to have considered that the Horse-Chesnut was so called from the Nuts being used in Turkey (the country from which we first received the tree) as food for horses touched in the wind.

  22. Once planted in Europe, the Chesnut soon spread all over the warm parts.

  23. The Chesnut (Fagus Castanea) was classed by Pliny among the fruit trees, on account of the value of the nut as an article of food.

  24. The Castagno dei cento cavalli (Chesnut of the hundred horses) upon Mount Etna is probably the largest tree in Europe, being more than 200 feet in circumference.

  25. The trees on Chesnut Ridge are chiefly oak and chesnut; and the soil appeared to be chalky.

  26. At Chesnut Cottage occurred one of those mysterious incidents which perplex Shelley's biographers.

  27. Chesnut describes one case in which a lamb became locoed by nursing from a locoed mother.

  28. Chesnut has held the view that many of the cases of so-called locoed sheep were really due to parasites, but that there was a true locoed condition due to eating the loco weeds.

  29. Chesnut and Wilcox made numerous autopsies on sheep and experiments on animals.

  30. They spin the Hair into Garters, Girdles, Sashes, and the like, it being long and curled, and often of a chesnut or red Colour.

  31. Tho' it bears a large Acorn, yet it never grows to the Bulk and Height of the Chesnut Oak.

  32. The image was provided with a false beard and a chesnut periwig, which its holy guardians declared were natural, and they also assured all pious visitors that on every Friday it sweated blood and water into a silver basin.

  33. These villages burrow in what they live on like mice in a cheese, for many of the inhabitants never taste any other than chesnut flour bread from year's end to year's end.

  34. The hotter, and, I fancy, the original springs were there, and it was altogether more retired and countrified, nestling closely among the chesnut woods.

  35. After three hours' walk, I sank fatigued on the banks of the Vidourle, in the shade of a neat villa and its chesnut trees.

  36. My mother had rocked me under the branches of the olive trees, and my childhood I had dreamed away in the green, cheerful shade of chesnut groves.

  37. I was no longer in a dream, for I perceived the Vidourle and the chateau in the shade of the lofty chesnut trees.

  38. Now tell me, are there any old chesnut trees in the neighbourhood of the palace?

  39. I looked for the magic spot under the chesnut trees, where dream and reality were once so magically blended.

  40. My father was sitting before our cot in the shade of a chesnut tree, he wished once more to enjoy the sight of a world that had become dear to him amidst all his sorrows.

  41. The French garden in front of the palace consists of straight and broad gravel walks, with long stripes of grass lawn, and borders about twelve feet wide of shrubs running parallel to the avenues of horse-chesnut trees.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chesnut" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.