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Example sentences for "cerning"

Lexicographically close words:
ceremony; cereus; cerise; cerium; cernere; cero; cers; cert; certa; certain
  1. This is the doctrine of the scripture cõcerning this matier.

  2. Con- cerning his conduct during his disease I have not much to remark, though the little I have may be somewhat interesting.

  3. And as cöcerning the ships, I wil do y^t which shal be most cöueniët for you al.

  4. The consultation of Mutezuma cöcerning the cöming of Cortes into Mexico.

  5. And cöcerning the enimies, I am glad of their comming, for ye shal sée how I will deale with them.

  6. A child may have worms, if you say so, or any other malady, timorously held in the beliefs con- 414:1 cerning his body.

  7. Only those quarrel with her method who do not understand her meaning, or dis- cerning the truth, come not to the light lest their x:30 works be reproved.

  8. The most profound and rigid secrecy con- cerning any and everything that relates to the Order, shall at all times be maintained.

  9. The strictest and most rigid secrecy, con- cerning any and everything that relates to the * shall at all times be maintained.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cerning" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.