There may be a simple adduction bend of the neck, the head sinking to, or even below, the level of the great trochanter (Fig.
The limb is placed in this box, the sides of which have been carefully padded.
The repeated application of strong caustics to chronic inflammatory conditions is, according to Butlin, a determining cause of cancer.
Caustics and other irritating applications are to be avoided.
The surrounding parts of the skin should be protected from any damage from escaping caustics by the application of lard or oil, as previously suggested.
Therefore produce considerable bleeding by incising the wound, wash out thoroughly with 10 per cent solution of zinc chlorid, and then applycaustics or the actual cautery.
These causticsmust be handled with care, as they dissolve the cuticle and may make the hands or fingers sore.
Caustics and the cautery produce wounds that heal slowly and can not be recommended in the treatment of this tumor.
Exposure and protrusion of some of the abdominal organs may also be occasioned by the incautious use of caustics in the treatment of umbilical or ventral hernia.
Both are recommended as caustics in syphilitic, scrofulous, and scorbutic ulcers, cancerous growths, &c.
Some empirics have applied caustics on the bronchocele, and sometimes, I have been told, with success; which should certainly be used where there is danger of suffocation from the bulk of it.
This shews why a succession of acid and of alcaline caustics sooner destroys a part, than either of them applied separately.
The caustics usually relied upon are the fuming nitric acid and the acid nitrate of mercury, one application of either of these often exciting healthy granulation.
Destruction of cicatricial tissue by caustics has been attempted, and, though successes occasionally attend the practice, it is hardly considered sufficiently promising.
For the treatment of internal piles by caustics Houston of Dublin used strong nitric acid.
Astringents and caustics of various kinds have been extensively employed, carefully applied to the floors of the fissures, but it is very rarely that any benefit ensues.
They inject strong fluids or causticsinto the cavity of the womb with a view of checking the inflammation in that manner.
Pietro of Argelata cured dental fistulas by means of causticsand arsenic.
Notwithstanding this, if the caries was not deep, he preferred to extraction the use of caustics and a red-hot iron.
If the liquid caustics are employed, they may be introduced into the depth of the wound by means of a pipette, a piece of porous wood, or a pledget of tow.
For its treatment, caustics with or without curetting, excision or radiotherapy may be employed.
The best caustics are arsenic, chloride of zinc, caustic potash and formalin.
Until now nasal tuberculosis had been treated by applying caustics to the ulcerated portions.
Caustics were applied to destroy lupous tubercles by direct action, and furthermore recourse has been taken to the so-called mechanical treatment, in which the ringworm was scraped out.
The dermatic inflammation due to the action of excessive heat or cold, to caustics and other chemical irritants, and to the ingestion of certain drugs.
Oz]ss In severe cases of ichthyosis hystrix it may be necessary, also, to employ caustics or the knife.
Locally, according to the case, soothing remedies, stimulating applications and destruction of the growth by caustics or operative measures are to be employed.
You do not apply caustics to the sore, but you go to work to restore the blood and system to a normal or healthy condition and as soon as this is accomplished the open and rebellious sore, or ulcer, heals of its own accord.
Sometimes powerful caustics or free incisions are productive of gratifying results, if followed by appropriate dressings, but these extreme measures should only be resorted to by the direction of a physician.
This will give far better curative results than the application of nitrate of silver or other caustics so generally used by physicians.
To avoid this it has been the practice of many physicians to apply caustics or to burn off the base of the tumors with a red-hot iron.
It is also true that contraction and partial, or even complete, stricture of the cervix, or neck of the womb, often results from the improper application of strong caustics to this passage by incompetent and ignorant surgeons.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caustics" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.