I would not for the stint of my crown to be causer to withdraw your hearts, and wit ye well ye cannot love so well but I shall rather increase it than distress it.
I am well ware, said Sir Ulfius, what I speak, and here is my glove to prove it upon any man that will say the contrary, that this queen Igraine is causer of your great damage, and of your great war.
God knoweth I was never causer of her death by my willing, and that will I report me to her own brother; here he is, Sir Lavaine.
And I have many times enforced myself to do many deeds for La Beale Isoud's sake, and she was the causer of my worship winning.
And wit ye well, said fair Elaine to Sir Bors, I would lose my life for him rather than he should be hurt: but alas, I cast me never for to see him; and the chief causer of this is dame Guenever.
Prince Almas, relying on the Causer of Causes, rode on to the Place of Gifts and dismounted at the platform.
Bett'ring thy loss makes the bad-causer worse; Revolving this will teach thee how to curse.
And now, Sir Tristram, I will that ye wit that I have loved La Beale Isoud many a day, and she hath been the causer of my worship, and else I had been the most simplest knight in the world.
And wit ye well, said fair Elaine to Sir Bors, I would lose my life for him rather than he should be hurt; but alas, I cast me never for to see him, and the chief causer of this is Dame Guenever.
I would not for the stint of my crown to be causer to withdraw your hearts; and wit ye well ye cannot love so well but I shall rather increase it than distress it.
I am well ware, said Ulfius, what I speak, and here is my glove to prove it upon any man that will say the contrary, that this Queen Igraine is causer of your great damage, and of your great war.
And when they both had wept and wayld their fill, Then forth they ranne like two amazed deare, 8 Halfe mad through malice, and reuenging will, To follow her, that was thecauser of their ill.
Is not the causer of the timelesse deaths Of these Plantagenets, Henrie and Edward, As blamefull as the Executioner An.
Thou, villain, art only the causer of this woe; Therefore thou shalt have somewhat of me, or ere I go.
And the Causer of the mountain will probably know that they both are right.
And though I have both their heads I care not; for he slew my brother, a full good knight and true, and the gentlewoman was causer of my father's death.
If they did, Atheism would need no apologist, and Theism have no defenders; for Theism, in all its varieties, presupposes a supernatural Causer of what experience pronounces natural effects.
There is an argument against the notion of a Supernatural Causer which the Author of this Apology does not remember to have met with, but which he considers an argument of great force--it is this.
Edward I of England and Philip IV of France were engaged in war.
Nevertheless, in 1303 circumstances forced him to accept Albert, especially since Albert was willing in return to confirm all that his father Rudolf had granted to the Papacy.
Their foe is their grifes causer which my friend, It is the losse of one that makes them wayle, 830 But I, that one there is a cruell one, Do wayle and greeue and vnregarded mone.
I am the causer of all the ruin and the sorrow that hath come upon this land, and never while I live may I forgive me.
God knoweth that I was never causer of her death by my will, as her brother Sir Lavaine here will avouch for me.
I am the causer of this rebellion by my traitor brother,' said Sir Gawaine, 'and my name shall be cursed for it.
Thus the causer of infidelity is an infidel; of tyranny a tyrant, and so on; but to speak thus of God is blasphemy.
As God decrees faith and obedience He must be the causer of it, for "on the hearts of these hath God graven the Faith.
If man is the causer of an action by the force of his own will, then he should also have the power of controlling the result of that action.
There is an argument against the notion of a Supernatural Causer which the author does not remember to have met with, but which he considers an argument of great force--it is this.