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Example sentences for "caskets"

Lexicographically close words:
casinos; casion; cask; caske; casket; casks; caso; casos; casque; casqued
  1. Alexandrines, or verses of twelve syllables, with six accents, occur here and there; as in the inscriptions on the caskets in M.

  2. Shakespeare in combining the stories of the caskets and the pound of flesh in The Merchant of Venice.

  3. There, I open the caskets without a key, for I am a trap-door lover and I open and shut what I please and as I please.

  4. Confesse and loue Had beene the verie sum of my confession: O happie torment, when my torturer Doth teach me answers for deliuerance: But let me to my fortune and the caskets Por.

  5. Goe, draw aside the curtaines, and discouer The seuerall Caskets to this noble Prince: Now make your choyse Mor.

  6. A Song the whilst Bassanio comments on the Caskets to himselfe.

  7. It might be supposed that Christmas goods other than caskets would take a bad dumping.

  8. Some of the new caskets were true works of art.

  9. The Association of Pharmaceutical Retailers, who felt they had some claim to priority, tried to get court injunctions to keep caskets out of service stations, but were unsuccessful because the judges were all out buying caskets.

  10. The people crowded around shouting with wonder, and Abdallah, in the fulness of his delight, gave orders to the slaves who bore the caskets of money to open them and to throw the gold to the people.

  11. Let me have eleven more caskets of money like this one, and eleven more slaves to carry the same.

  12. And when the caskets are opened, the drawings and the inscriptions on the written scrolls, which are then taken out, examined and read, are exactly like the engravings and the verses by which emblems and their mottoes are set forth.

  13. The opening of the third of the caskets (act.

  14. He felt very proud when the fairies spoke admiringly of these caskets and said that they would be pleased to accept them.

  15. These caskets were beautifully carved and engraved, and each one was of a different shape.

  16. Slowly she advanced towards the dais, and stretching out her arm, pointed her finger at the gold plates and the gold caskets set before the fairy godmothers.

  17. This was the commonest kind of diapering on caskets in the Middle Ages.

  18. This is the conventional name for boxes or caskets made exactly in the form of houses, the lid being one side of the roof.

  19. Go draw aside the curtains and discover The several caskets to this noble Prince.

  20. Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets To try my fortune.

  21. Saint Leucadia and Saint Eugenia preserved in two silver caskets exquisitely chased.

  22. There were five caskets of lead, bound with iron bands, each sealed with two initials under a crown.

  23. They were carrying up caskets of food and the equipment which was to be given the marooned passengers.

  24. To dream of caskets is also a sign of death.

  25. You may expect to hear of as many deaths as there are caskets in the dream.

  26. Mr. Wright remembers how his grandfather used to hire his time out doing carpentry work, making caskets and doing some masonry.

  27. So from then on, 'til the caskets come into use, a crowd of folks stayed awake all night sittin' up with the dead.

  28. He came strolling up to the table in his foolish, loutish manner, looked at the caskets through his eyeglass, and murmured out the inscriptions one after the other.

  29. The Clerk of the Privy Chancery went carefully and considerately up to the table, looked at the caskets with much minuteness of observation, read the inscriptions on them one after another.

  30. Three caskets are set out, of which her wooers have each to choose one, and open it.

  31. Set up three caskets for them to choose amongst, and let the one who finds her portrait in his casket be her husband.

  32. I promise that I will order and arrange the affair of the caskets so that it shall turn out happily and satisfactorily for all parties.

  33. For he who would win Portia's heart and hand, had to guess which of three caskets held her portrait.

  34. The caskets were of gold, silver, and lead.

  35. You should have left my caskets at Montreal, monsieur,” exclaimed Claire.

  36. Well would I like a look through her caskets at new court fashions.

  37. The bishop and the abbess stood by while my wife brought madame’s caskets from the convent, and they smiled so ’twould make a man’s teeth chatter.

  38. Jacques and Louise, carrying the bride’s caskets and impedimenta of their own, finally appeared on Quebec’s slopes, descending with deliberation to the landing.

  39. These caskets of the royal line rest in subterranean vaults hewn out of rock and connected by spacious halls.

  40. Several of the addresses presented to the Prince of Wales upon his recent visit were encased in ivory caskets richly carved and studded with gems.

  41. Then Harald had a large ox-hide spread out, and turned the gold out of the caskets upon it.

  42. Twelve caskets bare they heaped With gems and gold, and thus addressed the King: 'Lord of the Mercian realm, renowned in arms!

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caskets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.