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Example sentences for "cashing"

Lexicographically close words:
cashew; cashier; cashiered; cashiering; cashiers; casi; casing; casings; casinos; casion
  1. Thus in the sentence "An important essential in cashing a check is that you should indorse it on the back," several words or groups of words needlessly repeat ideas which are expressed elsewhere.

  2. The sentence is as complete in substance, and far terser in form, when it reads "An essential in cashing a check is that you should indorse it.

  3. One source of the misunderstanding is suggested by the fact that "cashing in" to James meant that a general idea must always be capable of verification in specific existential cases.

  4. The notion of "cashing in" says nothing about the breadth or depth of the specific consequences.

  5. Johnson retold the story of the cashing of the president's check, circumstantially, and with the exactness of a man trained in a school of business accuracy.

  6. You say she was cashing a draft: how was she identified?

  7. D'you remember cashing a cheque for Mr. Walter last Friday week--the day he went to Trenton?

  8. Now, as to the four minutes that elapsed between Davis's going out and your cashing the cheque: do you say that you recollect nothing during those four minutes?

  9. The paying teller may ask the person cashing the cheque to write his name on the back, simply to have it for reference.

  10. A story is told of a woman who received a cheque from her husband, and when cashing it wrote "Your loving wife" above her name on the back.

  11. In addition to the duties of the general store, Gardiner had the business and responsibilities of cashing wheat tickets for one of the grain companies operating elevators in Plainville.

  12. Taking these things into consideration Gardiner felt that the benefits derived from cashing wheat tickets were sufficient to justify him in undertaking the responsibility and labour the service entailed.

  13. They were too foxy t' win too far off," Busyday was informed by means of a buzz in his ear, by this time well known, as he was elbowing his way again to the cashing line.

  14. The Banfield bank had made a practice of cashing the tickets of hucksters who came from Toronto and bought up the people's produce on a margin.

  15. He did us very well and quite reasonably, actually cashing a cheque or two for us.

  16. I gave some information on the high cost of living, and the great difficulty of keeping oneself alive without cashing many cheques at a worthless exchange.

  17. About half a million of needed specie was obtained from the city--principally and perhaps entirely by cashing drafts on the United States government.

  18. Foreign merchants, under the threat of a six per cent duty on exported gold and silver, supplied funds by cashing official drafts on the United States at par.

  19. If you continue this work anonymously you're going to have trouble with more matters than cashing a cheque.

  20. But I am not going to have any trouble cashing a cheque," she said, "because I have come straight to the man whose business is cheques.

  21. I was not three minutes in the room, and thought of nothing but getting to town and cashing the bills.

  22. Mayes found that the keys on the premises were not enough to release his money, even if the strict rules of the bank had permitted the cashing of a cheque out of hours.

  23. In such circumstances he might risk his jackal's liberty by sending him on the desperate chance of cashing a cheque, but, knowing the risk, he would never have let him come with information on him.

  24. It so happens that the cashing in is a general movement, and when this happens hard times quickly follow.

  25. When everyone speculates values rise, and continue to rise until prices reach fictitious altitudes, and then comes about the cashing in.

  26. Speaking of cashing checks," I reminded her, "how in hell am I going to get some dough?

  27. That would be an admission that Wall Street is cashing in on the war.

  28. He hoped that a few more exciting incidents would occur within the hour; every incident meant a certain amount of confusion and, consequently, delay in the cashing of cheques.

  29. But when the business of replenishing the cashier's till had been gone through, Mr. Westwood retired to watch the operations incidental to the cashing of the cheques.

  30. The evidence of the banker's clerk as to the cashing of the cheque had been already taken, and the magistrate said, 'Thank you.

  31. As before, the presenting and cashing of the seventy pounds was sworn to by the banker's clerk, and then Dolores Mary Mohun was called.

  32. Now, on cashing the order, we can repay your loan, keeping back sufficient to meet emergencies, while with the rest one of us could return to Fairmead and plough every available acre for next spring's sowing.

  33. Using his new hardware, we got on line to Shearson's Tokyo office, Bill cashing in a decade of stock tips with a longtime acquaintance.

  34. Now that the stock market was in shambles, they weren't just dabbling anymore; they were cashing in on the fire sale hand over fist.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cashing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.