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Example sentences for "cashiered"

Lexicographically close words:
cashbox; cashed; cashes; cashew; cashier; cashiering; cashiers; cashing; casi; casing
  1. The Maharaja had despatched a party of sepoys to the residence of Mr Edward Greenway, a man of considerable property, who had given shelter to an officer recently cashiered by court-martial.

  2. Do you recollect a prince of a noble Austrian house by the name of Walmoden, once an aide to the emperor, who was cashiered from the army and exiled for corresponding with France?

  3. But let us give him his true name--Prince Konrad, the last of the Walmodens, a cashiered gamester.

  4. They framed a remonstrance, and sent five agitators to present it to the general and council of war: these were cashiered with ignominy by sentence of a court martial.

  5. The other officers, who had formerly been cashiered by the parliament, and who had resumed their commands that they might subdue that assembly, were again cashiered and confined to their houses.

  6. The regiments near that city, being solicited by their old officers, who had been cashiered by the committee of safety, revolted again to the parliament.

  7. Many officers, who had been cashiered by the new model of the army, offered their service to the parliament.

  8. Clive faced the mutiny successfully; he cashiered the leaders and accepted the submission of the younger men.

  9. As an illustration the following incident is related: An officer who had been cashiered from the service, forced himself several times into Lincoln's presence, to plead for a reversal of his sentence.

  10. He was cashiered from the army, they would have nothing whatever to do with him.

  11. Why, you know as well as I do that he's cashiered from the army.

  12. Pepys, who, as Secretary to the Admiralty, saw all this, says that Admiral Penn spoke very freely to him on the subject, and lamented the loss which the fleet had experienced in the cashiered officers.

  13. It was almost incredible that he should have been cashiered from the Army for cowardice--"misbehaviour in the Field in the face of the enemy," that was the wording of the indictment.

  14. He informed them that Count Lenkenstein had ordered Lieutenant Pierson down to Meran, and that the lieutenant might expect to be cashiered within five days.

  15. Since that night at La Scala, I am in disgrace with my uncle; I expect at any moment to hear that I am cashiered from the army, if not a prisoner.

  16. Because that cashiered fellow has asked to borrow it of me.

  17. First it's you with your cashiered friend, and then it's Shamyl.

  18. The adjutant greeted us all, including Guskof, and sat down by me in the seat which the cashiered officer had just vacated.

  19. They were tried by court-martial and cashiered on July twenty-first, 1862.

  20. They also show his vindictiveness towards the meritorious General Porter, who was cashiered after the Antietam campaign, but established his innocence after a struggle which lasted for many years and was restored to the army.

  21. This went on until the three officers were cashiered and left camp.

  22. Elkington is cashiered by sentence of a general court martial.

  23. Yes, I did offer my services again to England, but it is military law that no man who has been cashiered can be employed again for the King while the sentence stands.

  24. He had been cashiered and dismissed from the service for conduct which, in the judgment of the court martial, rendered him unfit and incapable of serving his sovereign in the future in any military capacity.

  25. Then, just as his regiment, in the closing months of 1914, was going into the fighting on the Western front, he was cashiered for an unrevealed error and deprived of the opportunity to serve his country.

  26. In the same London Gazette, at the end of October, 1914, had appeared the crushing announcement that Elkington had been cashiered by sentence of general court martial.

  27. The Lacedaemonians cashiered Phoebidas, and fined him one hundred thousand drachmas, yet still kept a garrison in the Cadmea; which made all Greece wonder at their inconsistency, since they punished the doer, but approved the deed.

  28. These, by virtue of their office, cashiered four senators of no great distinction, and admitted to the roll of citizens all freeborn residents.

  29. Air you a-goin' to have me cashiered and shot, Lieutenant Boggs, fer violatin' the ticktacks of war?

  30. Had he been the son of a commoner, he would, most probably, have been court-martialled and cashiered for the very first offence.

  31. They have just restored a man, Bagin, who was cashiered two years ago for gross fraud and falsehood in several instances.

  32. The young count had been a captain in the service of Austria, but had been cashiered for irregular conduct, and for disrespect to Prince Louis of Baden, commander-in-chief.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cashiered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.