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Example sentences for "caroused"

Lexicographically close words:
carotid; carotids; carousal; carousals; carouse; carouses; carousing; carp; carpal; carpe
  1. Accordingly he fell to sitting every eventide on the bridge over Tigris and looking at each one who passed by him; and if he saw him to be a stranger, he made friends with him and caroused with him all night till morning.

  2. And indeed, O my brother, the night thou camest to me and we conversed and caroused together, I and thou, 'twas as if the Devil came to me and troubled me that night.

  3. I fancied to myself, while I was sitting in the parlour, that Burns might have caroused there, for most likely his rounds extended so far, and this thought gave a melancholy interest to the smoky walls.

  4. Her passion increased with his refusal; so she sat down beside him and caroused and sported with him, till they were both warm with wine, and she was mad for dishonour with him.

  5. He trudged over the brown mats of pine needles, to where, in a fringe of laurel, a tent was pitched, and merry flames caroused about some logs.

  6. As the boat caroused on the waves, spray occasionally bumped over the side and gave them a fresh soaking, but this had no power to break their repose.

  7. So they drank and caroused until Johann's last penny was spent, but he had got no situation except in good promises.

  8. Then he asked for the mask which represented the devil, and which he had got from Stettin to frighten his dissolute brothers, when they caroused too late over their cups.

  9. Then they all gathered round the fire again, and drank and caroused till morning dawned, when each sought out a good sleeping-place amongst the bushwood.

  10. Galley, still alive, was thrust into an outhouse while the band, having roused the landlord and procured drink, caroused in the parlour of the inn.

  11. And indeed, O my brother, the night thou camest to me and we caroused together, I and thou, it was as if the Devil came to me and troubled me that night.

  12. They caroused together till after dusk; and staggered about with heated heads.

  13. Again and again she reminded him of a gay Lesbian with whom he had caroused for a night during the last Dionysia in Alexandria, yet, on closer inspection, the two were as different as possible.

  14. A few days elapsed after this painful night, and Foma caroused again.

  15. If to amuse or forget himself he had caroused far more nights in succession in Alexandria, why should he not keep awake when the object in question was to wrest a young life from the grasp of death?

  16. That prince was never sober, and at the refusal of his counsellors, he caroused with the suite of Margrave Johannes.

  17. The gentlemen caroused till deep into the night, for long after I had retired I was awakened by George vom Kalen steadying himself by grasping my pillow.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caroused" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.