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Example sentences for "carmina"

Lexicographically close words:
carlins; carlish; carload; carloads; carls; carminative; carmine; carmined; carminibus; carminis
  1. The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus Now first completely Englished into Verse and Prose, the Metrical Part by Capt.

  2. From 'Carmina Burana,' a collection of these songs in Latin and German preserved in a MS.

  3. In a footnote Mr. Joyce refers to Carmichael, Carmina Gadelica, ii.

  4. Non scribit, cujus carmina nemo legit=--That man does not write whose verses no man reads.

  5. Operosa parvus carmina fingo=--I, a little one, compose laborious songs.

  6. Carmina nil prosunt; nocuerunt carmina quondam=--My rhymes are of no use; they once wrought me harm.

  7. For, as Propertius sweetly expresses it: Carmina mansuetus lenia quærit Amor.

  8. This tune," says an accompanying note over the score in the old Carmina Sacra, "was a great favorite with the late Dr.

  9. Some very beautiful images are from a hymn by St. Nerses the Armenian, rendered in Carmina Mariana.

  10. The following epitaph in honour of the protostrator Glabas[254] was to be placed in the parecclesion of the church of the Pammakaristos (Carmina Philae, ccxix.

  11. The text of the epitaph, portions of which appear on the exterior face of the south wall of the parecclesion of the church of the Pammakaristos (Carmina Philae, ccxxiii.

  12. Carmina handed the telegram silently to her aunt.

  13. Miss Carmina was but poor company," the maid remarked when they got back.

  14. We were sometimes naughty ourselves when we were children," Carmina pleaded.

  15. On the same afternoon, when Ovid had set forth on foot for Lincoln's Inn Fields, Carmina and Teresa set forth on foot for Lincoln's Inn Fields.

  16. Without taking notice of this demonstration, Carmina approached the parlour-maid, and said, "Did you see Miss Minerva before she went away?

  17. I dreamed of my mother," Carmina answered.

  18. For instance, do you object to my taking Carmina to parties?

  19. There was the question which Zo asked herself, after having seen Carmina carried insensible out of the room.

  20. On the previous day she had discovered Carmina and Miss Minerva engaged in a private conference--without having been able even to guess what the subject under discussion between them might be.

  21. While Maria was still considering what it might be best to do, Carmina entered the room.

  22. She might have confided this design to her father (the one person besides Carmina who neither scolded her nor laughed at her) if Mr. Gallilee had distinguished himself by his masterful position in the house.

  23. If the decision confirms your view, and if Miss Carmina still persists in her resolution notwithstanding--" "Am I to give way?

  24. Carmina had roused the dormant jealousy; Carmina had fatally weakened the good influences which she had herself produced.

  25. Teresa made another approving mark with her thumb-nail; and Carmina purchased tickets.

  26. One subject absorbed her attention--the interview then in progress between Carmina and her aunt.

  27. The line was from Ovid:-- 'Carmina jam moriens, canit exequialia cygnus.

  28. Any congregation that likes to have its hymnal represent careful thought and full culture, would do well to examine this collection of "Carmina Sanctorum," recently published by A.

  29. There is nothing better in the line of hymn books than their "Carmina Sanctorum," edited by Zachary Eddy, Lewis Ward Mudge and the late Dr.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carmina" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.