Kennedy was speaking rapidly and was careful not to pause long enough to give Prescott an opportunity to interrupt him.
Take these wires and lay them in the cracks of the floor, and be careful not to let them show.
You should, before leaving the room, lock your trunk, and be careful not to leave money or trinkets lying about.
Be careful not to be alone in the streets after night fall.
When you open a conversation, do so with a slight bow and smile, but be careful not to simper, and not to smile too often, if the conversation becomes serious.
Dinner not being served from a side table, you must, while putting tasteful ornaments upon it, be careful not to crowd them, and leave room for the substantial dishes.
Be careful not to confound the Jesuits' Church with the small chapel in the interior of their college (the old Jesuit Barracks) contiguous thereto.
Faillon cautions students to be careful not to confound the name of the parish of Ste.
Those of the present day desirous to ascertain the exact spot in the environs of Quebec where past events have taken place, ought to be careful not to be misled by subsequent territorial divisions for municipal or canonical purposes.
We found it, when moving forward, very necessary to becareful not to deviate from the right course.
It is evident that we must be careful not to stand carelessly by the side of the bank, or go into the water," I answered.
The fishermen had to be careful not to fall into the jaws of crocodiles, who were constantly on the watch; and thus they often had to beat a rapid retreat to escape from the monsters.
Well, go then,' said the fox, 'but be careful not to make any mistake.
But, frightened though they were, they did not forget to beg the lightning to take off the wolverine's coat and to free his legs, but to be careful not to hurt him.
But if he acts antagonistic, be careful not to appear to fight back.
So be careful not to over-do the employment of multiple tone units to stress your meaning.
You have come to a chosen employer, with a real service purpose; but be careful not to offend in your presentation.
Of course he is careful not to exaggerate this show of fellow feeling.
On the other hand, should he be a deliberate thinker, be careful not to make an impression that you are rash or impulsive in your decisions.
Be careful not to unsolder the spindle bearing, a thing which cannot happen if the bearing is kept cool by an occasional drop or two of water.
But you must be careful not to unsolder the cylinder from its standard or the parts of the gland.
Be careful not to draw the rafters out of line sideways.
Footnote 29: Cato is careful not to undertake to say how this may be assured; another evidence of his wisdom.
He has," said Jeanne gratefully, "and I will be careful not to offend them.
Commence cutting from middle of tongue; cut slices not too thin and take them from each side being careful not to cut slices through to bottom part of tongue.
In steaming puddings keep them at a uniform heat all the time, and be careful notto lift the lid off the pan for the first half hour.
When making the soap, be careful not to spill potash or lye on the hands, as it makes a bad burn.
If any foods used in the homes are harmful because of the manner in which they are prepared, the teacher should do all in her power to correct the situation, but she must, at the same time, be careful not to be too radical.
When carrying the dishes to and from the table, be careful not to let the fingers come in contact with the food.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "careful not" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.