A cask when carved is an admirable object for waste-papers, or holding canes and umbrellas, Fig.
These are useful for waste-paper boxes, or to contain canes and umbrellas.
Lucien remarked that the canes were cut in lengths of about a yard, and bevelled off at the ends, so as to be more readily caught between the two cylinders.
The foreman explained to us that when the canes are cut down, the first thing is to pull off the long leaves, which are left on the ground.
By this arrangement the creole canes are ripe for the mill in the beginning of the second year, so as to enable the manager to finish his crop early in June.
The feeding and top rollers are generally fluted, and sometimes diagonally, enabling them the better to seize the canes from the feed-board.
Rattoons (a word corrupted from rejettons) are the sprouts or suckers that spring from the roots or stoles of the canes that have been previously cut for sugar.
However, since much of Bengal consists of low grounds, and since the upland canes are apt to suffer from drought, it deserves encouragement in certain localities.
The feed board is now generally made of cast iron, and is placed at a considerable inclination, to allow the canes to slip the more easily down to the rollers.
When the planted canes are ripe, they are cut close above the ground, by an oblique section, into lengths of 3 or 4 feet, and transported in bundles to the mill-house.
They are commonly ripe in 12 months; but canes of the first growth are called plant-canes, being the direct produce of the original cuttings or germs placed in the ground, and require a longer period to bring them to maturity.
There is no greater error in the colonist than planting canes at an improper season of the year, whereby his whole system of operations becomes disturbed and, in a certain degree, abortive.
In the proper season for planting, the ground is marked out by a line into rows three or four feet asunder, in which rows the canes are planted about two feet apart.
He passes the canes gradually through this notch, and at the same time cuts off the slices with a kind of rude chopper.
The same may be said of the be-ribboned canes of the exquisites of Charles II's and later times.
Though sticks are not strictly a part of dress, unless we consider the canes of the dandies as being so, yet their usefulness in puppet-shows is so great that we are tempted to digress for a moment to give the comments of M.
The author describes this fungus as killing the canesof the European hazel, Corylus avellana, at Palmer, Mass.
The fact that this Cryptosporella is related to the black knot of the plum is an interesting feature; and that it attacks the growing canes during the growing season and fruit during the fall and winter.
The King wondered at her wit and good sense and said to her, 'How many sugar-canes didst thou press for this draught?
As an emblem of their association the compagnons carried long canes with ribbons tied to them.
And Paiyatuma stood alone, for Shutsukya walked now behind the Maidens, whistling shrilly, as the frost wind whistles when the corn is gathered away, among the lone canes and dry leaves of a gleaned field.
But Shutsuka walked behind the Maidens, whistling shrilly as they sped southward, even as the frost wind whistles when the corn is gathered away, among the lone canes and the dry leaves of a gleaned field.
Out over the magic ladder of rushes and canes which reared itself over the water, they bore him.
My poor little hobbling, lopsided blue soldiers, with their bandages and slings and canes and crutches!
They have more crutches and canes than feet among the lot of them.
When the freshes come down in the winter season, the Indians have bridges of canes fastened together with reeds, and strongly secured to trees on either side.
The Lords or Caciques and their Captains have very large houses, and near the doors there are stout canes that grow in these parts, on the tops of which are placed many heads of their enemies.
Amongst the canes there are many tall ceybas, with many wide-spreading branches, and other trees of different sorts which, as I do not know their names, I am unable to give them here.
Amongst these canes they place certain boards on which they carve the figure of a devil, very fierce, and in human form, with other idols and figures of cats which they worship.
This river is always crossed by a bridge of those canes which I have already mentioned.
These valleys being so fertile, as I have said, a great quantity of sweet canes have been planted in one of them, of which they make much sugar for sale in the cities of this kingdom.
In the lower part of the canes there are holes through which the wind can pass, and when it blows, there is a noise which sounds like the music of devils.
Near the large house there is a small court surrounded by the canes I have already described as having seen in Caramanta, and on the top of each was the head of an Indian who had been eaten.
Among the houses of the chiefs they have stoutcanes planted in a circle so as to form a cage, from which those who are put in cannot possibly escape.
They then place those thick canes which grow in the country over the hole.
There are one or two interesting things to be seen in that part of Canes Venatici which is represented on map No.
The portion of Canes Venatici, represented in map No.
We crossed the former by a bridge formed of two bamboo stems, slung by canes from two parallel arches of stout branches lashed together.
The canes are procured from a species of Calamus; they are as thick as the finger, and twenty, or thirty yards long, knotted together; and the other pieces are fastened to them by strips of the same plant.
Canes became the style from the buck private up, and every evening we would go walking, Wesserling, St. Amarin, or the cherry trees on the sides of the mountain being the chief points of interest.
A new break of canes from other buds is generally more productive.
They come out of the canes in spring and the females soon lay eggs in the tender tips of the young shoots.
The old canes should be cut away at the base after the fruit is gathered.
Would it be well to sucker vines and take also some bearing canes off, or in a dry year will they mature properly as in other years if the ground is in good condition?
Pierce and Canes presented to him by Notable Personages; Sword presented by ladies of Concord, to President Pierce.
Sword given by the State of New Hampshire to President Pierce; Bowie Knife used at Barbecue given at Hillsboro for President Pierce, and Canespresented to him by Notable Personages; Sword presented by Ladies of Concord, N.
Even when at peace, and when the chiefs had received gold-headed canes as symbols of authority, they would often call at the outlying plantations and demand rum or anything else they fancied, which the whites dared not refuse.
But the bundles of caneshad become water-logged and useless, so they resolved to retrace their steps if possible to the Indian village.
Canes and large weeds almost filled the watercourses, but not a blossom of any wild-flower could I find upon the ground.
The careless insolence of the inspectors with the green-tasseled canes at once filled him with indignation and depression.
When I was down at the edge of the wood to cut those canes I could see smoke rising from a dozen points lower down.
The young canes will quench your thirst if we fail to hit upon a spring, but we know that there are several of these among the hills, for we pass over five or six little streamlets on our way to the town.
The canes were ten feet high, and as the rows were three feet apart, there was plenty of room to run between them.
The department also undertook to see that the peasants in the neighbourhood of each mill should have from seven hundred to a thousand acres planted with sugar-canes by the time the mills were in working order.
The canes which are used for planting are generally ratoons, if any exist upon the plantation, but if there are none of these, the inferior plant canes supply their places.
Such is the awkward make of these vehicles that much nicety is necessary in packing them, and if two canes will about fit into a cart lengthways, much more will be conveyed than if the canes are longer and they double over each other.
But in Brazil the tops of the canes are all thrown to the cattle, for there is usually a want of grass during the season that the mills are at work[152].
The crop of canes of some estates have, in many instances, been injured by these means.
The canes which are planted upon the former throw out great numbers of sprouts, which spread each way; and although when they are young the land may appear to promise but a scanty crop, they soon close, and no opening is to be seen.
In the British sugar islands the cuttings for planting “are commonly the tops of the canes which have been ground for sugar[151].
I have observed that the canes which grew upon the spots where the heaps of timber and large branches of trees had been burnt, were of a darker and richer green than those around them, and that they likewise over-topped them.
The mills for grinding the canes are formed of three upright rollers, which are made of solid timber, entirely cased or rather hooped in iron, and the hoops are driven on to the wood before they become quite cool[156].
One disadvantage, however, attends soil that is low and quite new, which is, that the canes run up to a great height without sufficient thickness, and are thus often lodged before the season for cutting them arrives.
The town lies on a level stretch of sand, and the houses are built of canes and thatched with palm.
The Aldermen were all very fleshy, and carried gold-headed canes which they swung very high at every step.
The Aldermen shook their gold-headed canes at him, and the people danced round the tree in a rage.
The canes are generally stuck in holes under the body of the valga, and as they can be inserted more deeply or drawn out at pleasure, this is probably the method most commonly resorted to for tuning the strings.
Five is the usual number of canes in the valga; but there are also specimens with ten canes, and consequently with ten strings.
Its five strings are made of vegetable fibre, and are tuned by being wound round five canes inserted in the body.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.