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Example sentences for "byways"

Lexicographically close words:
bytes; byting; bytter; bytwene; byway; byword; byzants; caas; cab
  1. There are, in the byways and courtyards of the main street, several other most interesting houses dating from the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which will repay the attention of students of architecture.

  2. It was perfectly evident that the authorities would wonder why a small party of Ladakis went along byways instead of following the great tasam, and they would hold an inquiry over us.

  3. Now we also ran the risk of a night attack, as if it were not trying enough to travel in disguise by byways through the forbidden land.

  4. I already knew all the nooks and corners, public highways and the byways of the village, and I was well acquainted with many of the kind country people who lived about us.

  5. As I entered the house there came to me an appreciation of the stillness of Sunday that in the country and in peaceful byways of little towns is like the peace of death.

  6. Our walk that afternoon was in the care of Don Narciso, and under his guidance we walked through pleasant country byways towards the few clustered houses that comprise the little village of Jesus, to see a notable picture in the church there.

  7. In his Byways of Europe Bayard Taylor said: "Verily there is nothing in all Europe so beautiful as Valldemosa.

  8. The next group of chapters deals with various economic influences of artificial light and with some of the byways in which artificial light is serving mankind.

  9. These byways of artificial light are complex and fascinating because their study leads into many channels and far into the obscurity of the childhood of the human race.

  10. In 1870 when Scheele discovered a new element, known in this country as tungsten, no one realized that it was to revolutionize artificial lighting and to alter the course of some of the byways of civilization.

  11. Mr. Wintermuth finally found it necessary to deny himself to aspiring applicants who besieged his office, and went out on a still hunt in the lanes and byways where he was less likely to meet people with axes to grind.

  12. But unfortunately it seemed otherwise to the fates, for Mr. Jenkins, with advancing years, found his Napoleonic onrush irresistibly diverted toward pleasant byways frequented in the golden age by one Bacchus, god of wine.

  13. While the Bishop, carrying the dog in his arms, mounted his coach and went by the Rue St. Martin and the Lombards, they hurried me by short cuts and byways to the Palais Royal, which we reached as his running footman came in sight.

  14. Not only on the Grand Canal, but in many of the quiet byways of the Silent City, one comes across beautiful examples of that entrancing style of facade, the Venetian Gothic.

  15. These are but a few things in the secluded byways of old Verona, where one's feet continually led one on journeys of discovery.

  16. But it was lurking everywhere amid the gloom and byways of the night.

  17. XVIII A rudderless ship in mid-ocean, he wandered long and aimlessly about the byways of the city.

  18. Distances approximate owing to use of byways and farm tracks.

  19. It seems to follow that, at present at any rate, it would be unreasonable to hope for any great improvement in the byways of Essex, and more prudent to expect deterioration.

  20. O, why did not the reverend intestate marry his housekeeper, and make a will, like other honest citizens, and leave my Charlotte to walk the obscure byways of honest poverty with me?

  21. Highways and Byways in Oxford and the Cotswolds.

  22. The Highways and Byways of Surrey belong not to one county or to one period of time, but to two different ages, and, to-day, to two counties.

  23. Highways and Byways in Donegal and Antrim.

  24. In our judgment, as excellent and as lively a book as has yet appeared in the Highways and Byways Series.

  25. Highways and Byways in the Lake District.

  26. Highways and Byways in Devon and Cornwall.

  27. Travelling by byways Ronald and Malcolm arrived at Poitiers without adventure.

  28. It was rarely, indeed, that a stranger passed along these bypaths, and the peasants wondered among themselves what could induce them to travel by country byways instead of following the main roads.

  29. There is some diffusion of his faculties in what I feel are byways of his mind, but the main current of his energies will, I am convinced, urge him on to his inevitable portrayal of humanity.

  30. It is one of the many byways that intersect the main streets of the town--though these streets themselves are often so narrow and devious as to scarce deserve the adjective I have applied to them.

  31. So, then, we are glad to be back in Britain and are eager to explore her highways and byways once more.

  32. From Honfleur we follow the narrow road along the coast--its sharp turns, devious windings, short steep hills and the hedgerows which border it in places recalling the byways of Devon and Cornwall.

  33. It proves a splendid farewell run to our third long motor tour through Britain; we have covered in all nearly twenty thousand miles of highways and byways during varying weather.

  34. At times the evil becomes so open that police regulations are issued, driving them from their byways of crime.

  35. Yet, their dirt and desolation notwithstanding, can we not almost find it in our hearts to regret these London byways of a past age?

  36. School and church buildings, cloisters, picturesque byways and back streets, seem all here inextricably confused; but this only renders the locality the more attractive.

  37. Her byways are as the sands of the sea in multitude; her history is the history of the world.

  38. The world forgetting, by the world forgot," is truer of these byways than of many more rural places.

  39. Such are the "byways of fiction" in London!

  40. I made no comment, for nothing that is an outrage of the first laws of hygiene will surprise you if you have gone here and there in the byways of Germany.

  41. Out of the dark byways of villainy and deceit they had crawled across our path--into the same byways they crawled back secretly and were lost.

  42. Highways and Byways of the Pacific Coast Illustrated, cloth, 12mo, $2.

  43. Highways and Byways of the South Illustrated, cloth, 8vo, $2.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "byways" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.