Buttressing the left bank of the broad watercourse was the dwarf hill of which we had been told so many tales.
But while pleasing in appearance when used in combination with six-part choir vaults, the chevet with buttressing ribs was not so satisfactory in churches with four-part cross-ribbed vaulting of rectangular plan.
The latter is also exceptionally interesting in the form of its chevet which is really a combination of the diagonal and the buttressing ribbed type.
This may explain the fact that the buttressing rib type of chevet persisted side by side with this fourth form.
Confidence in our health is really its sustaining and buttressing power, for the moment we destroy this we lessen our resisting power and invite disease.
We could not live or move or have any being apart from the Power that made us, that sustains and supports us, and the consciousness of this gives a steadying, buttressing sense of security and safety that nothing else can.
The outer thickness has arched recesses at intervals along its length, corresponding to openings in the inner thickness, and thus while buttressing the latter also enlarges slightly the area of the church.
Below the roof the arches and piers of the galleries and aisles are arranged so as to carry the thrust to the external walls, and following the tradition of Roman vaulting all buttressing is internal.
The system of weighting and buttressingthe dome displays great skill, and will be best understood by studying Mr. Henderson's geometrical and constructive sections of the systems (Figs.
The flying buttress was a later invention; in the round-arched buildings of the eleventh and twelfth centuries the buttressing was mainly internal, and was incomplete and timid in its arrangement.
The earlier domes were commonly pierced with windows at the base, this apparent weakening of the vault being compensated for by strongly buttressing the piers between the windows, as in Hagia Sophia.
The buttressing arches are strongly built, and are adorned with curious bands of reticulated work.
Excavation of the east foundation wall was resumed north of the highway, but here no buttressing was found, with evidence of a cellar visible instead.
It was that marriage is a device for supporting and buttressingmotherhood by fatherhood.
Primarily marriage is an invention for serving the future by buttressing motherhood with fatherhood.
Its most impressive feature is ~Kolana Rock~, a massive promontory buttressing the precipitous south wall.
Especially effective from this angle is the great triple pyramid of ~Three Brothers~ buttressing the north wall.
The space to be covered is diminished by placing two arched niches on either side, a system which points the way to the breaking up of the wall into buttressing piers.
On either side there is a narrow arched niche which has the appearance of buttressing the central arch; beyond these follow three arched niches of wider span, the innermost on either side being slightly narrower than the others.
One room on the upper floor of the palace shows a fuller comprehension of the thrust and buttressing of the vault (room No.
I dropped as it were, frantically clutching the double cord with one hand and buttressing myself from the wall with the other by means of my stick.
What human power could restore me to the light of the sun by rending asunder the huge arches of rock which united over my head, buttressing each other with impregnable strength?
It were as poor a matter as any held by those who deny it, if it had not its vitality in itself, if it depended upon any buttressing of other and lower material.
There was in the doctor an opposition to every thing that had if it were but the odor of religion about it, which might well have suggested doubt of his own doubt, and weakness buttressingitself with assertion But the case was not so.
From each of these peaks an enormous buttressing ridge sweeps northward until it merges into the foothills and the great plain.
This cairn of brick-coloured boulders buttressing the right bank has, or is said to have, the Memnonic property of emitting sounds--Yarinn is the Bedawi word.
The vaulting above is heavy, about fifteen inches thick; thebuttressing had also to be heavy; and to lighten it, the architect devised an amusing sort of arcades, applied on his outside buttresses.
Before the art of buttressing had developed, no other method was open to them.
The prow narrows as well as slopes upward, and a buttressing piece left in it serves as a foot-rest for the steersman, who sits in the bow, instead of in the stern.
Buttressing pieces are left at the bottom, at two or three places, extending across the canoe and no doubt strengthening the sides; they also serve as squatting places for the passengers.
Consequently, to the earlier buttressing more was added.
The buttressing on the south angle is of a later date than the rest of this section of the tower.
It should be noted that where the flying-buttresses meet the vertical wall of the clerestory there is in some cases a portion of the flat buttressing of the twelfth century visible.
These served a double purpose: they acted as supports to the timber framework of the aisle roofs, and also as a means of buttressing the upper part of the nave walling in which the clerestory windows were placed.