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Example sentences for "busting"

Lexicographically close words:
bustard; bustards; busted; busters; bustin; bustle; bustled; bustles; bustling; busto
  1. A kind of a busting noise,' replied Mr. Giles, looking round him.

  2. He's a balloon busting fool, and no one can stop him.

  3. His inexperience in "busting balloons" had come near being his own undoing.

  4. I can't ask him to eat them: he was all but on the busting point when I left him.

  5. I couldn't hardly keep from busting right out agin, but choked in.

  6. Taking that baseball bat and busting it over the head of either one would be the same sort of act as kids use when they square off in an alley and exchange light blows which they call a "cardy" just to make the fight legal.

  7. So I decided to try my hand at busting a couple of rather high-level rules.

  8. I have just been busting to say that to somebody.

  9. I never said I was going to do no broncho-busting ack.

  10. Gaols yawn and actions for assault lie in wait for those who go about the place busting their fellows on the jaw.

  11. If you had only realized the possibility of somebody some day busting you on the jaw when you tried to get into a cab, you might have thought out dozens of crafty schemes for dealing with the matter.

  12. Jim Jones fiddles with perpetual motion and Sam Smith develops a sure plan for busting Wall Street and getting rich sudden.

  13. So, when the party was over, 'round comes Peter, busting with a new notion.

  14. He wa'n't more'n ten yards ahead when I come busting through, upsetting children and old women, and landed in what I guess was the main street of the place and right abreast of a parade that was marching down the middle of it.

  15. I jumped up just in time to see Hammond come busting through the bushes, lickety smash, with Lobelia after him, yelling like an Injun.

  16. A kind of a busting noise,” replied Mr. Giles, looking round him.

  17. So come along, before the head waiter hails a cop to haul you in for busting the law so soon!

  18. Well, dawn's busting over the horizon, anyway," Dawson consoled him.

  19. By and by Tom Alexander come busting into the house, and his wife, Mis' Alexander, was with him.

  20. But before he reached the crick the whole man-hunt come busting through the woods, the dogs a-straining at their straps.

  21. I managed to get that box onto the platform without busting her, and then I sets down on top of her awful weak.

  22. Then I would come busting out all blacked up from head to heel with no more clothes on than the law pervided fur, yipping loud and shaking a big spear and rolling my eyes, and Watty would come rushing after me firing his revolver.

  23. I figured that Tom Lorrigan was maybe ashamed of busting up the school and making talk, so he put up a regular schoolhouse.

  24. And even they let you drive 'em to Jumpoff and back last spring without busting things up.

  25. It is a pleasant and profitable study, and to the man who has married rich and does not need to work, the amusement of busting geology with the Bible, or busting the Bible with geology is indeed a great boon.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "busting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.