The cruel horns of powerful bulls will screen the lights of night against the wild fury of the winds.
The bullsare seldom ill-natured, but when they are so they display a disposition more than ordinarily savage, cunning, pertinacious, and revengeful.
The forest of Chiltern was infested by wolves and wild bulls in the time of Edward the Confessor.
As well thrust in the powers of the Grand Lama to join issue upon, or twist papal bulls into constitutional tether, with which to curb congressional action.
The conquerors had been much impressed by the long avenues of sphinxes at the entrance of the Memphite temples, and in imitation of the idea Esarhaddon had sphinxes, lions, and bulls at the entrances of his buildings.
It is usual to celebrate bull-fights in this Dromos; the bulls are bred expressly for this purpose, like horses.
The art of this time shows examples also of massive sculptures, such as the human-headed bulls and lions, in relative abundance.
Bulls likewise were bred there with the heads of men; and dogs with fourfold bodies, terminated in their extremities with the tails of fishes.
All the Egyptians sacrifice bulls without blemish, and calves; the females are sacred to Isis, and may not be used for this purpose.
Under this king the worship of the Apis bullswas instituted.
We only know of these kings by their being mentioned on several of the monuments to the honour of the Apis bulls which died in their reigns.
There are Two sacred Bulls especially, the one call’d Apis, and the other Mnevis, that are Consecrated to Osiris, and reputed as Gods generally by all the Egyptians.
Perpetual fighting was no more seen, whereas, before my coming, they fought together as bulls who think not of the past, whilst the welfare of the wise and unwise was equally ignored.
Even the great bulls and lions that guarded the palace entrances were only partially detached from their background, and a frescoed statue of King Asshurnazirpal shows the same tendency.
St. Nicholas had as his attributes three purses, three bulls of gold, three children.
With blue enameled tiles which were adorned with bulls and large snakes, I built their interior cleverly.
He says: “On the thresholds of the gates I set up mighty bulls of bronze, and mighty snakes standing upright.
At the entrance-way of every gate gigantic winged bulls with human heads stood on guard, accompanied by winged genii.
From other accounts of this sun feast at the winter solstice in this country, we are given to understand that besides white bulls there were also human victims offered in sacrifice.
There were plenty of elf bulls rowting and skoyling up and down, and affrighted me.
Bulls obtain fabulous prices in California; in Mexico they may be had for almost nothing.
All those Heaven sent him had the air of youngbulls escaped from the toril.
That is true; but why insist on selling your bullsnowhere save at San Francisco?
It is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sin" (Heb.
The Popes Bulls are broke loose too, and 'tis suspected They shall be baited in England.
The bulls and cows likewise have dewlaps hanging down almost to the ground.
The two prizes were laden with 1400 chests of quicksilver, marked with the arms of Castile and Leon, besides a vast quantity of bulls or indulgences, and ten packs of gilded missals and breviaries, all on the kings account.
Desires him to seek out all registers, and the bulls of the Cardinal’s legation, so that the same may be shown to the King’s attorney.
He held it in his hand, and at certain seasons made outcry, and the twain ceased their combat, which was like the combat of young bulls in spring.
He flung out his arm across the parapet of the bridge and laughing very loudly, said: "When they heard our bulls bellow the Skroelings ran away!
It has prepared the greater part of the bullswhich have been issued during the past three hundred years.
What we have said in regard to the wishes and commands of the Church, as expressed by the papal bulls and decrees of councils in regard to this matter, we propose to prove by referring the reader to several of these authorities.
The bulls and constitutions are published in chronological order.
This was not all; the pope refused the bulls of consecration for those who had taken part in it, unless they made their formal submission to his decision.
He was admitted to his church, whose canons and dignitaries he had often threatened because they had not been willing to receive him before his bulls came.
The indifference of the gods and the divine bulls that were supposed to protect the city is well expressed in the statement that they respectively turned into flies and mice, buzzing about and active, but doing no good whatever.
Impression of a cylinder-seal showing a male figure on the right and a bull-man on the left, holding erectbulls by the horns and tails.
Of E-sarra, the temple of the host of the gods, the guardian-bulls departed.
The gods of Erech the walled Turned to flies, and hummed in the streets; The wingedbulls of Erech the walled Turned to mice, and went out through the holes.
These and other portals at Babylon were guarded by images of bulls and serpents, also of bronze.
Had he remained where I had parted with him, the foremost bulls coming up would have mistaken him for an individual of some other tribe, and would certainly have gored him to death.
Some of the party, like myself, green upon the prairies, disregarding advice, had ridden straight ahead; and the bulls snuffed us on the wind.
Bon jour, my bold rider of buffalobulls I still abed, I see.
The bulls and cows live in separate herds for the greater part of the year; but at all seasons, one or two bulls generally accompany a large herd of cows.
Instances have been known of the fiercest bulls being calmed into gentleness by music.
The bulls swept off as Akela bayed, and Gray Brother stopped in front of the cows.
The bulls were turned to the right this time, and crashed into the standing thicket.
Bring up the great bull-buffaloes, the blue-skinned herd-bulls with the angry eyes.
In the other the bulls and the young bullssnorted and stamped; but, though they looked more imposing, they were much less dangerous, for they had no calves to protect.
Keep the cows and calves together, and the bulls and the plow-buffaloes by themselves.
They charged down on him, and he ran just before them to the foot of the ravine, as Akela drove the bulls far to the left.
Naturally, we Americans have our own bulls a plenty, and they are by no means all derived from our Irish stock.
Usually, stories of thrift and penuriousness are told of the Scotch without doing them much injustice, while bulls are designated Irish with sufficient reasonableness.
A celebrity to whom many Irish bulls have been accredited was Sir Boyle Roche.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bulls" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.