And the rule for children is that they are always to obey the command the first time it is given, without question, and to take the first answer to any request without any objection or demurring whatever.
He must always, without any demurringor any excuse, be ready to fulfill his engagements, and teach them to fulfill theirs.
Then should follow a no less convincing proof that Rationalists are right in demurring to the historical accuracy of much which has been too obstinately defended by so-called orthodox writers.
Our error has been that instead of demurring to the relevancy of the issue raised by our opponents, we have accepted it.
And this brings us to the cardinal reason for demurring to M.
But if I had the good fortune to be with you to-morrow, I fear that I should constantly be demurring to his teaching,--e.
Upon her demurring to fulfil this mandate, she received the further assurance that if she took her card-case in her right hand and her pocket-handkerchief in her left, her condition of nudity would be entirely unobserved by any one she met.