It was evident that the negroes considered the buckra officers competent to manage the vessel, and had resolved to take their ease.
When two buckra were reported as approaching while we were at breakfast it turned out to be two men from the village picket with a note from the Lieutenant to C.
B'er Rabbit look all 'bout fer see ef daBuckra bin comin'.
Let da Pa'tridge fly, B'er Lion; but wun da Buckra Man come you bes' keep in de shady side.
I ketch um en I kyar um wey I lif; me hab da Buckra MÃ n fer me bittle.
How come you bein' skeer da Buckra MÃ n, B'er Rabbit?
Da Buckra MÃ n is bin stan' way off un shoot-a me wit' 'e gun.
A negro proverb has the word:-- Buckra man nam crab, Crab nam buckra man.
In dark room, upstars, am swanga gemman an' anoder buckra man--he bad buckra man.
Talk hard to oder buckra man, who shake him head, an' look down.
Swanga gemman den walk de room, an' talk fasser yit, but bad buckra man keep shakin' him head.
Den swanga gemman stan' right ober de oder buckra man, an' de strong words come inter him froat.
Dere was just two classes to de white folks, buckra slave owners and poor white folks dat didn't own no slaves.
You never see classy white buckramen a paterrollin'.
Sound better than Propst or McNaul and de Rosboro white folks was big buckra in dat time.
Some of dese same poor buckra done had a chance since then and they way up in 'G' now.
I go wid de breakfast, de door open, buckraman no dere.
The negroes gave Peterson the name of buckra calker to distinguish him, and on account of his superiority, although there was not a blacker negro on the estate.
When buckra man come, goose he say, 'Sailor man, sailor man.
Dis here buckra gentleman from Englan', him come 'quiring in de cemetry after de grabe of pusson dat dead before de great earthquake.
I sartin, sah, becase I's sexton in dis here cemetry dese fifty year, an' I know de grabe ob ebbery buckra gentleman dat ebber buried here since I fuss came.
De buckra folks dat come visitin', use to laugh at de way he put grease on his hair, and de way he scraped one foot back'ards on de ground or de floor when they shake hands wid him.
By instint, a nigger can make up his mind pretty quick 'bout de creed of white folks, whether they am buckra or whether they am not.
I think he was a poorbuckra white man, to de likes of me.
A negro proverb has the word:— “Buckra man nam crab, Crab nam buckra man.
About twelve o'clock a negro boy came to the vessel with a tin pan covered with a towel, and presenting it to Cesar, for "massa cap'en and buckra boy.
Ah, honey, that good priest you send me aint like the buckra parsons I used to know.
I used to hearbuckra parson read out of the Book, when I was down in the plantation, that whomsoever give to the poor lend it to the Lord; is that it, honey?
The darkey joined in his mirth with a grin that extended his mouth from ear to ear--though he was utterly unconscious of what the young buckra was laughing at.
No, you fool--ef 'twa pizen, den it kill de buckra right off.
Obaseeah point out youngbuckra from de waff--he send Quashie fetch young buckra to Moun' Welc'm'.
Perhaps missa no so say, when come young buckra from Inglis' country!
On scrutinising the object more closely, Quashie was surprised to perceive that the glittering object was a gun; and, on a still nearer acquaintance with it, he saw that it was the gun of the buckra sportsman!
So this is the spell that's put the youngbuckra lady to rest.
He was born in Columbia but move to Charleston many years ago and, lak the buckra dat he is, he climb to de top as de mayor of Charleston, big banker, and president of de Chamber of Commerce of de United States.
She say de Rhetts has been buckra since de time when Colonel William Rhett go out in his battle ships to chase and kill pirates, in de days when Carolina was ruled by de King of England.
De Yankee tell we to go en Buckra corn house and git w'at we want for eat.
I work for Governor Hammond and he is the finest buckra that is.
My grandpap, Wash, tell me Marse Preston come dere visitin' de Harpers, 'nother buckra family dat live further toward de Broad River side of de county.
Then they all pat the hoss's nose and stroke him down his mane, and the big buckra hoss steps, just lak the fine gentlemen he is, back to his stall, while all the big men wave him goodbye!
Races) Ben: "Susan wuz a house woman, tobuckra woman like a you to Miss Jin.
Old Marse Josh and all the white buckragone to Marlboro county to hide from Yankee.
Den de Sesh Buckra begin to run, an' de neber stop running till de git to de swamp, an' de stick dar an' de die dar.
Badian too brabe; um beat all de buckra sailor trash in de whole world, you bet!
I ketch um un I kyar um wey I lif; me hab da Buckra MÃ n fer me bittle.
God made me free--God put it in buckra heart to set me free, an me bless God for it; me no want to be slabe gen.
I'se wants to hab it make like dat buckra lady's frock, she as come from England the oder day.
On landing, we made for the house we had not entered on our last visit, where we knocked at the door, and had to wait some short time before it was opened, when a mulatto man appeared and asked “What Massa Buckra want?
He made a leg and pulled one of the many tails of his wool, and addressed me as follows: “Massa officer, Massa Buckra Captain hab sent him wife off and him piccaninny.
I never heard a Buckra man say so, till I heard tell of it in England.
Oh the Buckra people who keep slaves think that black people are like cattle, without natural affection.
It is very wrong, I know, to work on Sunday or go to market; but will not God call the Buckra men to answer for this on the great day of judgment--since they will give the slaves no other day?
Buckra what on'e gib dat one sarmon,--tank God fo'h dat!
Hard tellin' what Buckra don't sell win i' makes money on him.
Da'h is somefin' what Buckra no sell from ye, dat's a good heart.
Buckra don't be so smart dat he make old nigger young, be he?
Buckra bring nigger what he want to sell, and don' want nobody to know whar e' bring him from.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buckra" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.