Their broadsides bore upon the enemy, and the shallowness of the water was such that by no means could they be surrounded.
The interchange ofbroadsides then became very rapid; but the British marksmanship was poor, and few of their shot took effect.
For the subsequent history of the "Wasp" is more tragic in its unfathomable mystery than is the fate of the bravest ship ever sent to the bottom by the broadsides of an enemy.
The warships swung grandly around the bend, responding with rapid broadsides to the fire of the forts.
Two broadsides were then interchanged, by which the "Nautilus" was severely cut up, and eight of her crew killed.
By means of springs on their cables, the Americans were enabled to keep their broadsides to the enemy, and thus improve, to the fullest, the advantage gained by their position.
Two raking broadsides that crashed into the stern of the "Levant" sent that craft out of the action, to refit.
Her heavybroadsides found nothing to hit in the almost submerged hull of the "Monitor.
Every gun was engaged; and the heavy broadsides shook the ships, and thundered far over the placid surface of the ocean, which was now faintly illumined by the rising moon.
Ingraham, with a single sloop-of-war, trained his broadsides on a fleet of Austrian warships in the harbor.
Until four o'clock in the afternoon the ship poured out broadsides as fast as its guns could be loaded.
The wooden vessels stood to the fight in the most gallant manner, throwing useless broadsides against the monster, avoiding her blows by skilful manoeuvring, and trying to run her down till some of them hammered their bows to splinters.
From the pamphlets, tracts, and broadsides of the Stuart era it may be noted that the Speaker took his place in the House at eight o’clock in the morning.
The foregoing is found in the collection of ballads and broadsides which it delighted Miss Banks to accumulate.
It is to be regretted that electioneering broadsides have, as a rule, been allowed to perish; they would prove a mine of curious information.
The schooner succeeded in firing threebroadsides before the privateer could close.
There was, consequently, but little manoeuvering; the vessels moved off together, and a steady discharge of broadsides settled the contest.
His broadsides were so incessant, that several times the vessel was thought to be on fire.
As a last resort, Porter let go his sheet anchor, which brought the head of his vessel round so that his broadsides again bore.
Our broadsides furnished better guaranties than strips of parchment, adorned with impressions of regal seals.
The broadsides of the two vessels again thundered over the bay, telling with frightful effect on both vessels.
Ranging up within close musket shot, she poured in her broadsidesand volleys of musketry for three hours and a half, and maintained the unequal contest till her guns were all disabled and only musketry could be used.
She then ranged alongside the largest brig and poured in her broadsides and volleys of musketry.
But the latter soon commenced pouring in her broadsides so rapidly that she seemed enveloped in flame.
The next day the Carnation hauled in alongside and opened her broadsides on the privateer.
The whole proceeding justified Porter in such a construction, and his broadsides should have anticipated those of the enemy, which soon after left him a wreck.
Our Admiral seemed to have infused his heroic spirit into the crew and soldiers, and the ship was handled and the broadsides delivered with terrible promptitude and accuracy.
The ships riddled us with broadsides to port and starboard.
Having done this, she fired both her broadsides and then put about as quickly as possible to escape the struggle that ensued.
The enemy, mistaking this conduct on the part of the American commander for want of skill, continued to pour out his broadsides with a view to cripple his antagonist.
This was followed by a second, third--twelve broadsides in twenty minutes, scarcely receiving a shot in return.
Judge of their dismay when, as soon as he could get within range, the mad French captain turned his broadsides not into the British frigate but into the already sorely-afflicted Bon Homme Richard!
Every shot told, and they gave the Drake three broadsides for two right along.
After the ships had swung apart they continued to fire broadsides into each other.
This time he fired several broadsides into both combatants, seeming to take as much delight in hitting one as the other.
Upon this, three British ships instantly poured their broadsides into the Dutch flagship, which returned the compliment, and then hauled down its flag, as resistance was useless.
The two principal opponents delivered their entire broadsides at the same moment.
Allied to the chap-book are the broadsides of various classes, including the Ballad, popular and political, the Advertisement and the Proclamation.
The Ti-pings fought their battery against the overwhelming fire from the heavy pivot guns of the smaller vessels and the broadsides from the Encounter until every gun was dismounted and the work knocked to pieces.
Unfortunately for themselves, he immediately, without giving them the chance of striking their flags, opened upon them a tremendous fire from the broadsides of his line-of-battle ships.
After getting nearly two miles away, they brought their broadsides round, and opened a brisk fire.
We were within gun-shot, and had exchanged broadsides with the batteries, when the flotillas gained a small harbour, which prevented our making any further attempts.
The broadsides were now exchanged rapidly and the wounded, brought down between decks every minute, told me that the action was severe.
We now behold Boston surrounded, at a time of profound peace, by about fourteen ships of war, with springs on their cables and their broadsides to the town!
With beetle and wedges, he proceeded to secure the rudders, to disable the vessels and prevent them from bringing their broadsides to bear, and then to make a furious attack upon and board them.
And then we poured in our broadsides that brought their courage low, And o'er the rebel batteries soon our Union flag did flow.
Honourable members expected something from the author of 'Broadsides from the Baltic,' and they were not disappointed.
Between the broadsides English deserters on board the enemy were heard jeering at the Government that had cheated them of their pay, and under cover of the intrepid attack the fire-ships passed on to where the three great ships were sunk.
Two broadsides were exchanged, but De Ruyter did not run, nor yet at the third or fourth.
The Spaniards cut new ports in her, increased her broadsides to forty-four guns, and gave her a complement, including a detachment of soldiers and artillerymen, of nearly 400 men.
The two great Spaniards commenced to thunder their heavy broadsides into each other!
But the Neptune, a fine French 80-gun ship, lay right across the water-lane up which the Victory was moving, and it poured upon the British ship two raking broadsides of the most deadly quality.
The Pompée drifted down the whole French line, scorched with the fire of batteries and of gunboats, as well as by the broadsides of the great French ships, and at 8.
The guns on the upper deck of the Victory speedily swept and silenced the upper deck of the Redoutable, and as far as its broadsides were concerned, that ship was helpless.
The fight lasted exactly thirteen minutes--the broadsides occupied six minutes, the boarding seven--and in thirteen minutes after the first shot the British flag was flying over the American ship.
The swift, deadly, concentrated fire of the British in two quick-following broadsides practically decided the combat.
The next broadsides from both ships fell short, and the water was sent into the air like columns of crystal before the eyes of the gunners.
With absolute confidence they seemed to have anticipated a victory for the Emden, and it was not till the broadsides from the Sydney carried away the funnel that the inhabitants were hurried below and placed under a guard.
The pamphlets and broadsides are too numerous to quote.
Broadsides of prose and verse written in his praise were cried in every street.
In these dens were manufactured treasonable works of all classes and sizes, from halfpenny broadsides of doggrel verse up to massy quartos filled with Hebrew quotations.
Broadsides were issued by the managers, pamphlets praising the country were published, and sermons were delivered by eminent preachers like Rev.
The thunder of the broadsides was followed by the most appalling shrieks I ever heard, and by the ceaseless rattle of musketry as the soldiers opened on us with deadly precision.
The broadsides thundered, and great ragged scantlings brake from our bulwarks and flew as high as the mizzen-top; and the shrieks and groans redoubled.
He trained the men so thoroughly in the use of the great guns "that they went through the motions of broadsides and rounds exactly as soldiers generally perform the manual exercise.
Both thus in near proximity, poured theirbroadsides into each other, and the battle became hot and furious.
We were now exchanging broadsides yardarm to yardarm, but the drubbing they had already received seemed to dishearten the Frenchmen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broadsides" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.