I was just as sure of having the command of the British army in the Crimea as you are of becoming a brigadier by the time we get into Richmond.
Though Emmie was by this time suffering severely, she managed to say several pleasant things; and among them she hinted that her father could make a brigadier as easily as a tinker could make a tin kettle.
I have been a brigadier in my own imagination, just as you were a captain, when you were seventeen.
Not a shot was fired at them; and when the young lieutenant reached the wheat-field he fancied that he was clever enough for any brigadier in the rebel army.
You are a modest young man; but I suppose you think there isn't another man in the army who is quite your equal, and that your merit and your bravery will make a brigadier of you in less than a year.
Well, you'll be a brigadier one of these days, and there won't be a better-looking officer on the field.
When I got into the town I found Captain Pope who had been sent ahead by the Brigadier to divide up the billets among the battalions of the Brigade.
In the afternoon the Brigadier and I rode out to the field where the review was to take place.
Our Brigadier and Staff were all there, and we rode out to a big farmhouse where the conference was held.
The brigadier went inside to telephone and Burley started for the corral at the same time.
The brigadierwondered at and admired the minute nicety of administrative detail characterizing a government which clothed even its muleteers so becomingly, yet with such modesty and dignity.
That afternoon a Brigadier named Hadji Gul Khan, with his Staff, called upon me at my house.
Another friend also came and spoke to me, the Brigadier Hadji Gul Khan.
Brigadier Sale reports that Captain Kershaw, of her Majesty's 13th Light Infantry, rendered important assistance to him and to the service in the storming.
Nothing could be more judicious than the manner in which Brigadier Stevenson placed the artillery in position.
But the line did the most smiling to see the new brigadier getting a taste of his own medicine.
At the brigade headquarters town, which, as one of the officers said, proved that bricks and mortar can float in mud, the face of the brigadier seemed familiar to me.
In a few minutes the latter procured a candle and lanthorn, and informed the brigadier he was ready to attend him.
The brigadier could hardly convince himself that my walking-stick, which I purchased after leaving Boulogne, did not conceal a sword or dagger.
This we not only agreed to immediately, but we found our hearts bounding at the intelligence, and we most humbly and gratefully thanked this brigadier for his excessive goodness and condescension.
On the morning of our departure we were joined by eight culprits at twilight, and were placed in a large waggon, under a very strong escort of gendarmerie, with a brigadier to command it.
It appeared that the brigadier of gendarmes had been invited by them to take a share of their dinner, on the very day that my letter had arrived.
Up to this time I had received no reinforcements, except six thousand raw troops under Brigadier General Robert O.
Smith received a severe and dangerous wound in his hip, which completely disabled him and compelled him to go to his steamboat, leaving the command of his division to Brigadier General D.
Hannibal, there is a friend we have back in the country [the brigadier general] who is very fond of radishes [prisoners].
Soon after Brigadier Burgoyne and Colonel Lee surprize the Spanish camp at Villa Vehla; and the Spaniards are obliged to leave Portugal, and to make winter quarters in their own country.
Brigadier Burgoyne surprizes [sic] Valenca d'Alcantara in Spain, and destroys one of their best regiments there.
In the fall of 1863, Colonel Livingston, who was acting in the capacity of Brigadier General, was ordered to proceed to Batesville, Arkansas, and there erect a post.
Livingston, then acting in the capacity of Brigadier General, would have the only power to commute their sentences, after they were convicted.
McBride, who had been elected judge of the 18th Judicial circuit, which included Howell county, whose home was in Texas county, was made Brigadier General of the Confederate forces and commenced organizing and massing his troops.
To prevent being outflanked on this wing, Brigadier Townshend was stationed here, with two battalions, drawn up at right angles to the rest, and facing the Saint Charles.
Colonel Amherst was raised to the rank of major general, and appointed to command the expedition from England against Louisbourg, having under him Brigadier Generals Whitmore, Lawrence, and Wolfe.
A fleet of flatboats was also sent up, and 1200 troops marched overland, under Brigadier Murray, to embark in them.
While they still talked a message was brought to McKay from General Wilders; the brigadier wished to see him at once.
My brigadier ordered me not to advance," replied the old colonel, rather stolidly.
Then, with his shoulder, the Brigadierburst it open.
The Brigadier became immensely important on hearing these words.
And standing in a military attitude, the Brigadier shouted: "In the name of the king, open!
I ask your pardon, sir," answered the Brigadier of police, "but there was urgent need.
I wish to God my young and talented friend Chiponchipino, the sculptor, had but seen the legs of Brevet Brigadier General John A.
There was no chance of hearing anything farther that evening in regard to Brevet Brigadier General John A.
I now began very clearly to perceive that the object before me was nothing more nor less than my new acquaintance, Brevet Brigadier General John A.
However, the delightfully luminous conversation of Brevet Brigadier General John A.
If any person knew anything about Brevet Brigadier General John A.
Until Grant was made lieutenant general in 1864, the Federal Army had only two grades of general officers, major general and brigadier general.
Accompanied by the Brigadier (Chetwode), I rode into the midst of the sleeping mass, my horse picking his way through the recumbent figures.
I was anxious to say a few words to the men, and the Brigadierasked me if he should call them up to attention.
Meanwhile, the Brigadierhad despatched the South African Light Horse, under Lt.
The Brigadier was, however, then instructed by Lord Methuen that he was to act against the eastern kopje, and a little later was further informed that the attack should also overlap its eastern face.
Brigadier halted his command, his leading battalion being then about two miles from the river.
After making preparations to repulse any attempt by the enemy to recapture the village, the Brigadier began to organise a force with which to push up the right bank towards Modder River village, and thus attack the heart of the defence.
The Brigadier had informed the commanding officers on the previous evening that he intended the leading battalion to line the right bank of the Tugela, while the remainder crossed.
When the attack of the Northumberland Fusiliers upon the south-western corner of Table Mountain was checked, the Brigadier had brought up from his reserve half a battalion of the K.
The Commanding Officers were informed by the Brigadier that their mission was "to prevent the enemy working round on the right, to occupy Hlangwhane Mountain if possible, and to assist the main attack on Colenso by a flank fire.
I then returned to Brigade Headquarters to tell my Brigadiermore fully what I had seen.
The Brigadierand his Brigade-Major anxiously go up to the top of their dug-out to survey the field.
The progress of the battle is marked on the maps spread out on a table in the dug-out, and the Brigadier has to decide when his reserve battalion must be sent forward to assist.
I satisfied myself of the exact situation, and having visited the troops of the brigades on both flanks, went back to the ravine, and from one of the battalion headquarters telephoned to my Brigadier and told him what I had found out.
The ravine, indeed, has been taken with seven hundred prisoners, but the situation is still so obscure that "the Brigadier sent me out to find out the real situation.
They carried the brigadier away in a doolie, his brigade passed to another, and the campaign in Tirah was fought without him.
I congratulate you, my dear, that it did not happen to you," observed the brigadier to his better half.
Mrs Brigadier Bomanjoy declared that she was puritanical and prudish; but she was in reality truly religious and modest, without a particle of nonsense in her composition.
General Demming, Brigadier General of the Hancock County Militia, was very much of a gentleman, and showed me every courtesy, and Colonel Jones also was very solicitous about my welfare.
They then walked through the crowd, with Brigadier General Miner R.
I explained the situation shortly to the brigadierand then hurried off to my tanks.
December 1st--the brigadier and I tramped over the hillside to the sunken road at Gouzeaucourt, passing several machine-gun pits cunningly camouflaged.
When the divisional commander called him up and told him to move forward with his brigade and occupy certain territory, our brigadier would say: 'Very well, sir.
I found a finger with a ring on it--and the brigadier said if I didn't take the ring somebody else would.
If any officer in his brigade showed signs of flunking his job because it appeared impossible, the brigadier would just look at him once--and then that officer would remember the motto and go and do his job or die trying.
When my late brigadier sent me after the German sniper he didn't take into consideration the probability that the sniper might get me.
The brigadier sent for me once and ordered me to go out and get a certain German sniper.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brigadier" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.