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Example sentences for "bridged"

Lexicographically close words:
bridemaids; brides; bridesmaid; bridesmaids; bridge; bridgehead; bridgeheads; bridgeless; bridges; bridging
  1. A troubled dream bridged his passage from sleep to waking.

  2. It was a fortnight before the next train ran on the stretch between us and Machynlleth, and in the meanwhile the gap was bridged by a coach service.

  3. The high land then, of itself, all but bridged the gap.

  4. The flames of the volcano were quenched, and the gulf of the crater was bridged by a crust, but the lava of sedition boiled and seethed below.

  5. That it could be bridged was the dream of a lunatic.

  6. Kotri has recently been connected with Hyderabad in Sind, and the Indus is now one of the best-bridged rivers in India.

  7. It has been bridged at several important points.

  8. A black film--the colour of water in that light--bridged the way from one pan to another.

  9. Crevasses that are bridged by snow are almost always more or less perceptible by undulations on the surface: the snow droops down, and hollows mark the course of the chasms beneath.

  10. Sometimes it is very large, but early in the season (that is to say, in the month of June or before) bergschrunds are usually snowed up or well bridged over, and do not give much trouble.

  11. I went down a step or two, and discovered in a second that all were standing over a cavern (not a crevasse, speaking properly) that was bridged over by a thin vault of ice, from which great icicles hung in grooves.

  12. These saplings, being young and stringy, did not entirely break from their stumps, and, while slanting gradually down to the water, offered a support to the smaller poles and brush which were bridged across from one to the other.

  13. Having arrived at the chosen spot and cleared a space about six feet square, July dug a trench from its center to a point some four feet without, baited it with shelled corn and bridged it over with sticks.

  14. In addition to the angular pitch there is the commutator pitch which relates to the distance around the commutator bridged by the ends of the coil.

  15. This takes place during the brief interval in which any two segments of the commutator are bridged by the brush.

  16. The human race has gone out before him, sunk the hills, filled the hollows, and bridged the rivers.

  17. Once during the night John had drifted close to the camp to listen, but things were quiet, and they had bridged the morning with a little fishing and sketching up-stream.

  18. It made a considerable pool and, dividing, poured on either side of the uprooted trunk of a fir that bridged the stream.

  19. On the whole it was a rather gay little supper and, considering the limitations of the menu, it bridged a long interval.

  20. It then descends across ravines bridged by viaducts to the valley floor, dropping to a level of 6011 ft.

  21. Of stone bridges in Great Britain, the earliest were the cyclopean bridges still existing on Dartmoor, consisting of stone piers bridged by stone slabs.

  22. Then, he also bridged over the Beauly at Inverness, so as to connect the opposite sides of the Great Glen with one another.

  23. First, he bridged the broad river Tay at Dunkeld, so as to allow of a direct route straight into the very jaws of the Highlands.

  24. The Edera was ancient as its neighbours, the Fiumicino which heard the voice of Cæsar, or the Marecchia which was bridged by Augustus; ancient as the fountain of Arethusa, as the lake of Diana Nemorensis.

  25. The edge of the acetabulum is specially strong above and behind, while at its lower margin there is a gap, bridged over by the labrum glenoidale (cotyloid ligament).

  26. And, naturally, they greatly bridged over the gulf between the rulers and the ruled.

  27. That they had straight, well-bridged noses is also certain.

  28. That Xerxes bridged the Hellespont, however, in the manner related by Herodotus, is an accepted fact of history.

  29. And how many other deep gulfs of separation had to be bridged before that Christian sense of oneness could be felt!

  30. The possession of a common faith has bridged the gulf between him and them.

  31. A culvert bridged it, but the snow upon either side of the trail was so deep in the hollow that no indication of the woodwork was visible.

  32. Alice had bridged for a moment the miles which divided Owl Hoot from Ainsley, and her thoughts were with her sturdy lover, Robb Chillingwood.

  33. The gulf is bridged by a single span at the point of transition from the girl to the woman.

  34. Afterwards is a walled dam, constructed by the Carthaginians, who thus bridged over some deep swamps which extend far into the country.

  35. This mound forms a bridge from the continent to the island, and extends along its western side, leaving two passages only through it to the harbour of Eunostus, which are bridged over.

  36. In the winter, when the crevasses are bridged over and partially filled up, and the weather is favourable, cows and sheep pass over it from Zermatt to Val Tournanche, and vice versa.

  37. Crevasses that are bridged by snow are almost always more or less perceptible by undulations on the surface; the snow droops down, and hollows mark the courses of the chasms beneath.

  38. Sometimes it is very large, but early in the season (that is to say in the month of June or before) bergschrunds are usually snowed up, or well bridged over, and do not give much trouble.

  39. I went down a step or two, and discovered in a second that all were standing over a cavern (not a crevasse, speaking properly) that was bridged over by a thin vault of ice, from which great icicles hung in groves.

  40. There was a creek running diagonally across in one section, too wide to leap, too deep to ford, and the only place where it was bridged was so marked by the German machine-guns that the dead were piled in heaps about it.

  41. The gulf which separates the Creator from the creature is infinite, and can never be bridged over by man, or even by an angel, or other intermediate being.

  42. For a bridge must of necessity touch both sides; so if the gulf is to be bridged at all, it can only be by One Who is at the same time both God and Man.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bridged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.