The bridegrooms wore their Sunday dresses, nice tidy trousers of dark tweed, Crimean shirt, collar and tie, and blue serge coat.
More than one girl may have the tali tied at the same time, provided that there are separate bridegrooms for them.
A six-headed dragon has hitherto killed all her bridegrooms on the wedding night, but it is overcome by the hero through his obedience to the advice of his servant.
The youth consents and marries a woman whose five bridegrooms have died on the wedding night.
The daughter of an emperor had been married thirteen times, but each of her bridegrooms had died on the wedding night.
A rich man offers him in marriage his daughter, with whom five bridegrooms have already met death on the wedding night.
The first three bridegrooms were young officers, who were married on the eve of their restoration to liberty under the terms of the Convention of Alkmaar.
In the Parish Church Register there is absolutely no hint that the bridegrooms were prisoners of war.
At Hurricane Hall the two prospective bridegrooms were busy with Old Hurricane over some papers that had to be prepared in the library.
Equally," of course, the bridegrooms were handsome and elegant, proud and happy.
An early and very cheery breakfast took place at Ouselcroft, for all three bridegrooms were in excellent spirits.
Marriage- bells were in the air, and that must indeed have been a joyous christening at which two of the bridegrooms were present.
In December two gallant wooers were at the English Court, as a few years before King Pedro, the Arch-Duke Maximilian, and Prince Frederick William were all young bridegroomsin company.
It scarce needs to tell that the bridegrooms are Edward Crozier and Willie Cadwallader--both now lieutenants.
The bride and bridegrooms sit in a row, and the girl's parents give them fruits and sugar.
At the formal marriage, the bridegrooms are received by the bride's mother and brothers; two planks are placed before a lighted lamp, before which the bridegrooms and the bride's brothers prostrate themselves.
If more than one brother is to be married, to the same girl, her mother asks how many bridegrooms there are, and replies that there are mats and planks for so many.
The presence of all the bridegroomsis essential at this final ceremony, though for the preceding formalities it is sufficient if the eldest is present.
Bridegrooms have to pay for their brides a dowry varying from twenty to fifty rupees, and sometimes as much as a hundred rupees.
The party then adjourns to the house of the bridegrooms where a feast is held, in the course of which a ceremony called pal kotukkal is performed.
And turning to the two bridegrooms he inquired: "Can you give me a few minutes with this officer in the library?
The bridegrooms wore the regulation "invisible blue" swallow-tailed coats and pantaloons, white satin vests, patent leather boots and kids.
The bridegrooms had literally effected an exchange of brides--the jealous bridegroom taking the jealous bride; and the other, the lady whose fickle glances had led to the rupture.
The bridegrooms stormed at each other; and the brides, between their hysterical sobs, mutually accused each other of perfidy.
Of the two bridegrooms we have glimpses from Baron Stockmar, a shrewd observer, who was no flatterer.
Then two more days of holiday were spent with something of the heartiness of old times, when brides and bridegrooms did not seem either as if they were ashamed of their happiness or too selfish to share it with their friends.
In Baroda, except in special cases, the minimum marriage age of girls is henceforward to be twelve, and of the bridegrooms sixteen.
The temptation of a second dowry is still, however, operative with men of certain high castes in which bridegrooms require to be paid for.
In due time the bridegrooms conducted their respective brides to chambers prepared for them within the precincts of the royal palace.
On the wedding-day Alexander feasted the eighty bridegrooms in a magnificent hall prepared for the purpose.
So Hariswami was greatly perplexed, because three bridegrooms had been invited.
Then the seventh day came and the three bridegrooms came to Hariswami's house.
None of the bridegrooms had brothers, and Harry had neither mother nor sister; but his father was there in rustic portliness, looking, as Harry had anticipated, as if he were all but made young again.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bridegrooms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.