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Example sentences for "both shores"

  • Five species of Oncorhynchus are well known on both shores of the North Pacific, besides one other in Japan.

  • It is probably confined to the Atlantic, where on both shores it runs in vast schools, the movements varying greatly from season to season, the preference being for cool waters.

  • The common sturgeon of the Atlantic on both shores is Acipenser sturio.

  • It was a beautiful trip, just at the commencement of the spring; both shores of the river were lined with evergreens; the grass was luxuriant, and immense herds of buffaloes and wild horses were to be seen grazing in every direction.

  • It was a beautiful trip, just at the commencement of the spring; both shores of the river were lined with evergreens; the grass was luxuriant and immense herds of buffaloes and wild horses were to be seen grazing in every direction.

  • When only Chalcedon and Byzantium remained unconquered, Otanes received the command over the troops on both shores, and Megabyzus was commanded to make the tribes of the Thracians on the west as far as the Strymon subjects of the Persian king.

  • From this we conclude that a serious rebellion of the Greek cities on both shores of the straits and the Propontis broke out in the rear of Darius; that the cities thought Darius lost, or intended to prevent his return.

  • The American line here leaves the St. Lawrence, both shores of which belong to Canada as far as its outlet into the sea.

  • Both shores of the river, appeared in the forenoon just as they appeared during the last days.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "both shores" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    both arms; both being; both cases; both church and state; both continents; both eyes; both families; both fore; both forms; both girls; both here; both know; both legs; both male and female; both numbers; both pairs; both poles; both species; both those; both together; both ways; bother about; play with; preserved ginger; slightly curved; thee and