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Example sentences for "blancmange"

Lexicographically close words:
blaming; blanched; blanches; blanching; blanchisseuse; blancos; blancs; bland; blanda; blandest
  1. From blancmange and eggs, flavoured with lemon peel and sweetened with sugar.

  2. From equal parts of blancmange and cream, sweetened, and flavoured.

  3. Would you rather make the blancmange or the pastry?

  4. After considerable discussion they decided to cut the loin of mutton into chops, and stew it with carrots and turnips; to have kidney beans for the second vegetable, and a plum tart and a corn-flour blancmange for the pudding.

  5. This blancmange is better for being made the day before it is wanted, as it then has time to become firm.

  6. Blancmange and red jelly, or blancmange and raspberry cream, moulded in the above manner, look very well.

  7. The layers of blancmange and jelly should be about an inch in depth, and each layer should be perfectly hardened before another is added.

  8. Half a mould of blancmange and half a mould of jelly are frequently served in the same manner.

  9. If desired, the milk with which the blancmange is prepared may be first flavored with cocoanut, thus making a different blancmange.

  10. Gluten meal gems Jellies and other desserts for the side Recipes: Arrowroot jelly Arrowroot blancmange Currant jelly Iceland moss jelly Iceland moss blancmange Orange whey White custard Table topics.

  11. PUT into a shape some white blancmange two inches deep, and when it is quite cold put alternately, in the same manner, cleared calves feet jelly, white blancmange coloured with cochineal, or dutch blancmange.

  12. This blancmange will eat much nicer, flavoured with spices, lemon-peel, &c.

  13. Or if more convenient, you need not put in the jelly till you have taken the blancmange out of the cups or egg-shells, which must be done by wetting the moulds with warm water on the outside.

  14. If nicely managed, the blancmange and jelly will look like eggs cut in half.

  15. When done, strain it into blancmange moulds, and set it on ice to congeal.

  16. Gelatine is now frequently used for blancmange and jelly, instead of calves' feet or isinglass.

  17. When it is perfectly firm, dip the moulds for a minute in lukewarm water, and turn out the blancmange on glass dishes.

  18. Fill them with the mixture, set them on ice, and in two or three hours the blancmange will be congealed.

  19. If for an invalid, who is not allowed spices, flavor it with rose-water only, stirred in after the blancmange has been taken from the fire.

  20. You may color almond or vanilla blancmange a fine pink, by putting into the cream chips of alkanet root tied in a small thin muslin bag, to be removed as soon as the cream is highly colored.

  21. Transfer it to a blancmange mould, (previously wet with cold water,) set it on ice, and turn it out when ready for dinner.

  22. When quite congealed, dip the moulds in lukewarm water, and turn out the blancmange on glass dishes.

  23. Stir it well, and when the blancmange is thickening, and becoming hard to stir, set the moulds on ice, or in pans of cold water in the cellar, and cease stirring.

  24. Midway down they were held up by Mary Jane, who replenished them with raspberry or orange jelly or with blancmange and jam.

  25. Rinse the shells with cold water, then fill them with the hot blancmange mixture.

  26. Make a blancmange with 1 pint of milk, 1 oz.

  27. Some prefer seasoning the blancmange before putting it in the moulds.

  28. From its whiteness it is mostly used for making blancmange and similar dishes.

  29. A tablespoonful of brandy, stirred in just before the blancmange is moulded, very much improves the flavour of this sweet dish.

  30. This blancmange may be made very much richer by using 1½ pint of cream, and melting the isinglass in ½ pint of boiling water.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blancmange" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.