Another example of the use of a bevelled scraper is shown in Fig.
At C and D is a chisel with, in the one instance, the straight, and in the other the bevelled face toward the work surface.
In the ordinary or common form of moulding cutter, the front face is flat and the lower end is bevelled off and filed to shape so as to give the required shape and keenness to the cutting edges, Fig.
Cutters of this class must be sharpened by filing the bevelled edge, which requires considerable skill in order to preserve the exact shape of the moulding.
Between this circular rack and the face of the plate at the back of the chuck is placed, beneath each jaw, a cam block bevelled to correspond with the bevelled edge of the recess in the ring.
The bevelled face should stand at about an angle of 25 deg.
The bevelled edges cause the jaws to close upon the head in addition to the handle-pressure.
The heel of the stem-piece wasbevelled off on the inboard side so that it could be wedged under the headboard, inside the bark cover.
The top, and sometimes the bottom too, was bevelled along the edges.
However, the shoulders and ends of the tenons must be bevelled to follow the curve of the gunwales hence the extreme length of the thwart is actually very close to 26 inches.
The lower outboard corner was bevelledoff to take the rib ends, as in the Malecite canoes.
The main gunwales were rectangular in cross-section, some being almost square, with the lower outboard corner bevelled off.
The ends of the caps were bevelled off on the inboard side, so that they came together in pointed form.
Now observe: the lower or bevelled stone here at d corresponds to d in the base (Fig.
Farther, as the bevelled wall cannot conveniently carry an unbevelled arch, the door arch must be bevelled also, and the aperture, seen from the outside, will have somewhat the aspect of a small cavern diminishing towards the interior.
The lamp is now completed with the exception of the door, which should be made in three pieces, with the edges cut and bevelled as shown in Figs.
The top is made out of a piece of two-by-four with bevelled mortises cut in two sides of each end as in Fig.
A Bread-board= may be made out of a seven-eighths inch maple board about ten by eighteen inches, with the surface planed perfectly smooth and the edges bevelled or rounded.
The edges of the boards must be bevelled in order to make perfect joints.
Grind upon the bevelled edge only, and hold the tool in the same relative position, to prevent the bevel from becoming rounded.
The bevelled ends of the staves should be placed at the lower end of the shovel and bound in place by a strip of galvanized iron bent over the edges and tacked to the staves (see B in drawing).
Procure a broom-stick for the handle and place it in a bevelled slot cut at D (Fig.
This cylinder is connected by bevelled gearing with the wheels, and in revolving throws the dirt from the street into a ridge on one side thereof, where it is swept into heaps by hand sweepers, and is then carted off.
Also, the trap-door of a number of species is so designed as to be absolutely rain-proof, being bevelled and as accurately fitting a corresponding bevel of the tube as the setting of a compression valve of a gasolene engine.
Earth is then shoveled into the covering, the spider carefully pushing the particles toward the centre, which soon sags, and assumes the proper curvature, and automatically moulds against the bevelled walls of the tube.
The construction of the trap-door is a far more complicated process, this convex, beautifully bevelled entrance with its hinge requiring real scientific skill.
As you see by the diagram the two blades are connected by a spruce rod; the blades themselves may be made of some hard wood, like cherry, and bevelled at the edges like a canoe-paddle.
The lower outside edge isbevelled off to receive the ends of the ribs.
Make the bottom of three-quarter-inch boards, they may be bevelled like Fig.
The upper mandible is furnished on each side (in the specimen examined by me) with a row or comb formed of 188 thin, elastic lamellae, obliquely bevelled so as to be pointed, and placed transversely to the longer axis of the mouth.
No Gratuities At a late hour, they were entering, side by side, a glittering establishment whose interior seemed to be walled chiefly in bevelled glass, so that everywhere the curious observer saw himself and twisted fractions of himself.
Then, after they had successfully passed through a preliminary pair of bevelled portals, a huge man dressed like a policeman, and achieving a very successful imitation of a policeman, stretched out his hand, and stopped them.
The suppression of gratuities enabled the monarch of this bevelled palace to offer a complete dinner for about the same price as a thimbleful of tea and ten drachms of cake a few yards away.
And from every marble wall, bevelled mirror, and Doric column, there spoke silently but insistently the haunting legend, 'No gratuities.
Three pieces, about 32 inches long each, have their ends bevelled off at an angle of 60 degrees, and are laid with their ends touching.
If the bottom is cut a bit longer than the width of the case, and neatly bevelled off, it will help to smarten the appearance of the cabinet.
The rear end of the cylinder should be bevelled off slightly inside, to allow the packed piston to enter easily.
Bend a couple of inches to the curve of the plate, clamp it in position, and solder; and so on until the circle is completed, bringing the tube snugly against the bevelled end.
Then I bevelled off the end of the pipe to the approximately correct angle, laid it against the box, and drove in a nail to keep it tight up.
The nozzle end is bevelled off to an angle of 20 degrees, and a broach is inserted to give the steam port a conical section, as shown in Fig.
This procedure, which sounds very complicated, but is really very simple, and performed much more quickly than it can be described, yields a leg properly bevelled and provided with a shoulder to take the weight of the top.
The tongues must be bevelled off to a point on the sides respectively nearest to the continuous rails.
To get the fit of the frame correct, it must be made a bit too wide in the first instance, and then be bevelled off at the front, as shown in Fig.
The ends or the bottom are bevelled off towards the top edge to fit the grooves, so that no part may be above the grooves.
Each Volume in crown 8vo, handsome cloth gilt binding, bevelled boards and gilt edges, with Illustrations on Plate Paper, 3s.
Kimme), the bevelled rim formed by the projecting staves at the ends of a cask.
This cylinder thus storied over is set upon a large disc with mouldings and bevelled slope, upon which the Seasons are seated, in varied attitudes, and weaving a garland of the flowers and fruits which the earth produces during the year.
Place the small fid under the cord, the bevelled edge close to the loop (Fig.
Then placing it over the mirror so that the same width of bevelled edge shows on all sides of the mirror, we must paste it down.
Place this block on the glass of the printing-frame, bevelled side under, the hole being exactly over the part of the negative from which the vignette is to be printed.
Thus there should be glasses with bevelled edges for the carte, the cabinet, and other sizes, which can be laid on the print as a guide to the trimming.
One side of the hole should be very much bevelled away, as represented in this section (fig.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bevelled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.