Who taketh a wyfe receyveth a great charge, In whiche he is full lyke to have a fall: With tempest tossed, as is a besy barge; There he was fre he maketh hymselfe thrall.
In the riuers there are pynases well equipped appointed for the same purpose.
Thus for your deth I may wel wepe and pleyne With herte sore and ful of besy peyne.
And everich of hem did his besy cure Benignely to chese or for to take, 370 By hir acord, his formel or his make.
Cui Judex-- 'There is no man besy to bryng us to gyder, &c.
I trust; not with standyng I suppose lerned men wyll not be easy for to gete be cause of this besy tyme of hervest.
Lord--I remember he sayd it was Harry Gray that thei talkyd of; and my Lord sayd, 'I was besy with jn this fewe days to a maryd hym to a jantyllwoman jn Norfolke that schall have iiij.
For parde ye may conceyve that I was besy j nogh to shifft my self til now.
By the morning watch they made an end of yeelding themselues: only 12.
Then my Lieutenant Vasseur, and my Seargent promised him that one day I should march with my forces into those Countreys, and that ioyning my selfe with his Lord Olata, I would subdue the inhabitants of the highest of those mountaines.
There is a kind of Reed which beareth a seed almost like vnto our Rie or Wheat; and being boiled is good meat.
How the Adelantado with his people departed from Spaine, and came to the Canaries, and afterward to the Antiles.
Vpon inquirie wee heard that a little further vp into the Countrey were of all sorts very many, although of quarries they are ignorant, neither haue they vse of any store whereupon they should haue occasion to seeke any.
Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, France and Ireland Queene, defender of the faith, &c.
For execution hereof the Paracoussy gaue him two Indians for his guides, which taking vpon them to lead him in this voyage, seemed to goe vnto a wedding, so desirous they were to fight with their enemies.
There is a veine of earth along the sea coast for the space of fortie or fiftie miles, whereof by the iudgement of some that haue made triall here in England, is made good Allum, of that kind which is called Roch allum.
We left our Pinnesse without the road to the end we might bring it to Hochelaga.
Sir Harry Ynglows is ryzth besy a bowt Schrowpe for one of his dozthers.
He that is besy euery day and houre Without mesure, maner, or moderacion To gather riches and great store of treasoure Therof no ioy takinge, confort nor consolacion.
He must sore stody, for without dilygence And besy laboure no man can it obtayne None ought to cesse: though it firste be a payne.
Thei shall hold them so besy with ther gret pepill, that it shall not lye in their pore within to hold it ageyn them with ought God help them, or have hasty socour from you.
H 67-8: besy shee was day and nyght for to serue god almyght.
And thus to take an evidence, It semeth love is welwillende To hem that ben continuende With besy herte to poursuie Thing which that is to love due.
For of the grete Clerc Grossteste I rede how besy that he was Upon clergie an Hed of bras To forge, and make it forto telle Of suche thinges as befelle.
In whych tyme Vertu dyde his besy payn ΒΆ People to reyse his quarell to maynteyn.
And mankynd biddis us that we "To procur vengeans besy be.
Bot worthy James off Dowglas 570 Ay travailland and besy was, For to purches the ladyis mete; And it on mony wis wald get.
What confort that thay have I canne not have no knowlych as yet, but I suppose and all your felshyp were gode, thay shold not have so grete confort as they have, or ells they wold not be so besy as thay have be.
Shireff woll be besy aftir that to take any catell, that he be lettid in Master Prowetts name and Clement Pastons by Daubeney and other; whech besines of the Shireff shall be on Tuisday or Wednesday, and as we understand at Heylesdon.
Wher as ye wrote to me that Lydham told you that I told hym that the Ducks men werre not so besy as they had be by fore, no more thay were not at that tyme, but sythen thay have be bysyer.
Saynt Austyne amonessheth with besy cure, howe men att table shulde them assure that ther escape them no suche langage 160 As myght hurte or bryng folke to disparage.
For that is a thing discommendable, 276 And hit is no signe of folkes sage To ben of wordis besy and outrage; For the wyse man seyth pleinly in sentence, 'He shall be wyse that yevith Audience.
Lorde Persye wycht, that besy wes in wer, 535 Semblyt his men fell awfull in affer.
This wyss woman besy amang thaim was; Feill men scho warnd and gart to Laglayne pass, Hyr selff formest, quhill thai with Wallace met.
Fyfty he had off besy men in wer; 165 Thai tald Wallace off Patrikis gret affer.
In wer he was rycht mekill for to pryss; 925 Besyand trew, bath sobyr, wicht, and wyss.
Wicht men assayede, with all thair besy cur, A loklate bar, was drawyn ourthourth the dur; Bot thai mycht nocht it brek out of the waw.
Than Inglissmen, that besy was in wer, Assailyeit sar thaim fra the moss to ber, 730 On athir syd; bot than it was no but.
But whan the bysshop was therto most besy With the body to Poulis forto gon, Yt stood as fyx as a gret hill off ston.
Multitude ther myhte noon avayle, Al be they dyde ther fforce and besy peyne; For but in ydel they spent ther travayle.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "besy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.