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Example sentences for "besynes"

Lexicographically close words:
bests; besy; besyd; besyde; besydes; bet; betake; betaken; betakes; betaking
  1. By thys tale ye may se, that when one fole sendyth another fole on hys errand, hys besynes folyshly sped.

  2. By this ye may lerne, yt is greate folye for a mayster to putte a seruaunte to that besynes whereof he can nothynge skyll and wherin he hath not ben usyd.

  3. Of folys that aply other mennys besynes leuynge theyr owne vndone.

  4. His owne besynes whiche is in ieopardye Seynge to anothers forsoth he is vnwyse Of the vyce of vnkyndnes.

  5. Some dayly pray with marueylous besynes Cryeng and syghynge to god omnypotent For to haue plenty of welth ioy and ryches And to be made ryche myghty and excellent.

  6. Howsoever it was befoir, it is plane that after the Kingis death, and during the Cardinallis lyif, whosoever guyded the Court, he gat his secreat besynes sped of that gratiouse Lady, eyther by day or by nycht.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "besynes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.