There was three fooles, fell out about an howlet: The one sed it was an owle, The other he sed nay, The third he sed it was a hawke, And her bels wer cut away.
Prim-rose first borne child of Ver, Merry Spring times Herbinger, With herbels dimme.
Or a Conjurer: Raise me a devill now, and let him play Quipassa o'th bels and bones.
The Martyr has put on a golden Crowne; Ring Belsof Heaven, him welcome hither, Circle him Angels round together.
They haue great libraries, and halles for them all to dine and sup together, and bels wherewith they are at certaine houres called to prayers.
Then get thee gone, and digge my graue thy selfe, And bid the merry Bels ring to thy eare That thou art Crowned, not that I am dead.
Primrose first born, child of Ver, Merry Spring time's Harbinger, With her bels dimm.
There was three fools, fell out about an howlet: The one sed it was an owl The other he sed nay, The third he sed it was a hawk, and her bels were cut away.
The common speech then was, that hee did set one hundred pounds upon a caste at dice against it, and so won the said clochier and bels of the king; and then causing the bels to be broken as they hung, the rest was pulled downe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.