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Example sentences for "belowe"

Lexicographically close words:
belongs; beloued; beloved; belovyd; below; bels; belt; belted; belting; belts
  1. Belowe where the River parteth stands on a Tongue of Land the Towne of Dover, for which place and the land adjacent some gentlemen of or about Shrewsbury have a Patent.

  2. See yet still, Still theire coates beare them upp, keepe them aloft; The modest ayer not willinge to discover That which the bawdy waves shame not belowe Rudely to lifte and handle.

  3. Heere they stand: Tutch but a garment, nay a heyre of theres With thy least finger, thy bald head I'l sinke Belowe thy gowtye foote.

  4. My returne Of your salutes I cast belowe your feete.

  5. The Scholler stoode belowe in a Court, benoommed for colde, the Wyddowe preached a lofte in the top of a Tower, and fayne would haue had water to coole hir extreme heate.

  6. Belowe he was shaved close, except a little tip under his lip.

  7. Height of the borough from the levill belowe is about 100 foot high.

  8. Vivere secundum naturam is to live vertuously, the Divines will not have it so'; and that 'when the Divines would have us be an inch above vertue, we fall an ell belowe it.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "belowe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.