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Example sentences for "belligerents"

Lexicographically close words:
bellies; belligerence; belligerency; belligerent; belligerently; belling; bellman; bellow; bellowed; bellowing
  1. The war between Turkey and Russia, while it left the European frontier between the belligerents unchanged, exercised a two-fold influence upon the settlement of Greece.

  2. Changes in the policy of other great Powers and in the situation of the belligerents themselves were, he considered, necessary before the influence of England could be successfully employed in establishing peace in the East.

  3. In the war of 1778 none of the belligerents had such ports on this route, until by the accession of Holland, the Cape of Good Hope was put at the disposal of the French and suitably strengthened by Suffren.

  4. The positive programme of the King was to maintain neutrality between the two groups of belligerents and at the same time to keep the Greek army mobilized.

  5. But none of the belligerents showed any mercy on Bulgaria.

  6. Jefferson was at the head of the Government; he thought the belligerents might be reduced to forbearance by depriving them of our commercial contributions of supplies, and recommended, first an embargo, and then non-intercourse.

  7. The insults offered to our country by the belligerents increased in aggravation as the contest between them became more violent and convulsive.

  8. The Cabinet decided yesterday that the ports of your Majesty's Dominions ought to be closed to the ships of war and privateers of the Belligerents in America.

  9. By putting a brigade of Americans in a French or British division, however, the forces of our co-belligerents could be strengthened to the full extent of the available American troops.

  10. There is much difference of opinion among international jurists and states, however, as to the specific materials and articles which may rightfully be declared by belligerents to belong to either class.

  11. The convention in 1915 condemned the German-inspired propaganda for an embargo on shipments to all belligerents and the fomenting of strikes in munitions-making plants by German agents.

  12. During the greater part of the period of American neutrality its attitude was that of a shocked lover of peace who is desirous to maintain the strictest neutrality if the belligerents will persist in refusing to lend an ear to reason.

  13. Men-of-war of the belligerents may fight a battle in any part of the Open Sea where they meet, and they may capture all enemy merchantmen they meet on the Open Sea.

  14. These wars gave occasion to disputes as to the right of neutrals and belligerents regarding trade in time of war.

  15. Men-of-war of the belligerents have to pass through the canal without delay.

  16. Thus, in time of war belligerents have a right to violate one another's Personality in many ways; even annihilation of the vanquished State, through subjugation after conquest, is allowed.

  17. All stipulations are made for the time of peace only and in no wise restrict the action of belligerents during time of war.

  18. Thus the right of visit and search on the part of belligerents over neutral vessels becomes recognised.

  19. In time of war belligerents can blockade not only enemy ports and territorial coast waters, but also parts of the Open Sea adjoining those ports and waters, and neutral merchantmen attempting to break such a blockade can be confiscated.

  20. Even certain persons in the armies of the belligerents were considered inviolable, as, for instance, the priests, who carried the holy fire, and the seers.

  21. The seat of the International Prize Court is at the Hague, and it cannot, except in the case of force majeure, be transferred elsewhere without the consent of the belligerents (article 21).

  22. Footnote 837: Negotiations between armed forces of belligerents are regularly conducted by soldiers.

  23. The Romans regarded embassadors betwixt belligerents as persons to be treated with consideration and respect.

  24. When two governments, foreign to each other, are at war, or when a civil war becomes territorial, all of the people of the respective belligerents become by the law of nations the enemies of each other.

  25. England looked upon this as an evasion of the recognized public law that property of belligerents was good prize.

  26. But many never came back, preferring rather the risk of being sunk or burned at sea, which happened to not a few, or of capture and confiscation by the belligerents whose laws they defied.

  27. Not that he wanted war; his faith in passive resistance was still unshaken; embargo and non-intercourse he was still confident would, if persisted in long enough, surely bring the belligerents to terms.

  28. But nearly the same purpose was answered if the property of belligerents could be safely carried in neutral ships under the pretense of being owned by neutrals.

  29. Nevertheless two months elapsed before the plenipotentiaries of the belligerents met, on the 10th of August, at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, U.

  30. After the battle of Mukden the belligerents found themselves in a position which must either prelude another stupendous effort on both sides or be utilized for the purpose of peace negotiations.

  31. If the wars continue much longer in Europe," another look over the glasses, "we shall sell all the substance out of our lands, in order to send the belligerents wheat.

  32. It was commenced under Metellus, and continued under Mummius, who reduced the noisy belligerents to terms, and entered Corinth, the seat of rebellion, and the first commercial city of Greece.

  33. M559) While Athens was distracted by changes of government, the war was conducted on the coasts of Asia between the belligerents with alternate success and defeat.

  34. Several of the belligerents in the recent war were not parties to this Convention.

  35. With an alacrity born of experience, the long space opposite the bar was cleared, and the belligerents stationed one at either end, their faces toward the wall.

  36. Ere minutes had passed the blood of the belligerents was up, and they were battling as for life, with a dogged determination which would have lasted upon the part of either, the man or the beast, until death.

  37. Since the signing of the Treaty, most of the European countries, belligerents and neutrals alike, have continued to pile up obligations.

  38. While the Great War was under way the belligerents were like gamblers crowded round a table, as they threw down their millions in men and money to beat the whirling finger of Fate.

  39. At this threat the belligerents dropped muttering to their places.

  40. So winded and wearied were the belligerents by now that he had no difficulty in separating them.

  41. While the Balkan belligerents were settling upon terms of peace among themselves, the conference of ambassadors at London was trying to bring the settlement of the Albanian problem to a conclusion.

  42. After much outcry and violent denunciation by the allies, an armistice was signed at Bulair on April 19th by representatives of all the belligerents except Montenegro, which was thereby only incited to more heroic efforts to capture Scutari.

  43. He did so, and all the belligerents agreed to send peace delegates to Bucharest.

  44. It is rare that any great contest begins by a blow so unequivocal as the bombardment of Fort Sumter; and rare in recent days for any set of belligerents to risk the ignominy of privateering.

  45. We are reminded by Lord John Russell of the acknowledgment of the Greeks as belligerents by England; and others have pointed to her acknowledgment of the Belgians, and of those Spanish--Americans who had revolted against the rule of Old Spain.

  46. In order to reap the blessings of war, a nation must have an irreproachable cause, and aside from Belgium, France has the clearest record of all the belligerents in this world war.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "belligerents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.