Mr. Gammon, peering about his premises for fresh evidences of witchcraft accomplished during his absence, bellowed frantic request to "Come, see!
Mr. Reeves, left free to extricate himself from the quilt, bellowed to Mrs. Crymble and addressed the astonished Nute, who just then swung into the yard.
Now he bellowed autocratic command, and his soul swelled when he saw Broadway timorously hastening to obey.
At the first bellowed orders of the boss, Bill Carmody had leaped onto the heaving jam and, following in the wake of others, began picking his way to the opposite shore.
Other men came, floundering and sprawling over each other in the darkness, and the word was bellowed from lips to listening ear that a man lay buried beneath the drift.
Trebles to right of them, Tenors to left of them, Basses in front of them, Bellowed and thundered.
Tenors to right of him, Tenors to left of him, Discords behind him, Bellowed and thundered.
He bellowed "I'll teach ye to read Shaw and Nietzsche"-- And he was as bad as his bark.
He bellowedlike anything, but he could not help it, for the black man's magic was stronger than his magic.
The fine Mr. Bulbul bellowed aloud and jumped up, smashing his chair and knocking the tray with all the plates and glasses and everything out of Jean Malin's hands.
Rachel resisted the edict, and, presently conducted up-stairs by Mary, bellowed more loudly than her brother; indeed for a little while the house was filled with the harsh sound of squalling.
When the master came down, all shaking and bleeding, they bellowedhearty compliments in his ear.
As the party came galloping to the under ledges Slade bellowed a deep-chested hail that boomed in loud reverberations upon the lofty precipices of the cañon sides.
He stared hard about the living room and bellowed over to Elsie, who was raking her pies out of the dutch oven: "Ho, howdy, Cookie Gal!
Then I had to take him away, because he wanted to take his coat off to one fellow who laughed at him; and bellowed to him to stand up like a man.
As the whirling race flashed by, each of the choice spirits bellowed out the name of the horse or the colours which he thought or he hoped might be foremost.
The old Tower musket went off with a bang, and a young buffalo bellowed in pain.
We bellowed again, and the damp dripped off the awnings on to the deck as we listened for the reply.
From that wide-ringed trouble the Thing came up--a gray and red Thing with a neck--a Thing that bellowed and writhed in pain.
Many a week they've bellowed like beeves, Bitterly blackguarding, lying like thieves, Libeling freely the quick and the dead And painting the New Jerusalem red.
There he bounded in at the porch, caught a boy by the coat, dragged him into the road, pummeled him with silent vigor, while the lad bellowed and struggled to escape.
One of the hunters bellowed in stark fear: "For God's sake, untie us!
The car's gears bellowed pain at their abuse, the tires screamed.
The stricken giant bellowed like a bull, dropped his axe, and clutching Gerard's throat tremendously, shook him like a child.
You are plain enough to see," bellowed Giles, in his bass tones.
Some of the boatmen recognized Michael Sunlocks and bellowed their farewells to him.
He bellowed and gesticulated like a lunatic, and was such a good fellow withal in the comforting illusion of his ignorance that the men were inoculated with his confidence.
Chouteau, who was noisily absorbing the last drops in his porringer, bellowed his opinion of the generals, without mentioning names: "The pigs!
Hold to the ice," bellowed Clive, sliding nearer and now flat on his face.
Beat that cad off," bellowed Clive, striking out for the trio.
The soldiers bellowed at their captive, and Angelo sent a stupid shrug after him.
Blocks of infantry gathered densely, thinned to a line, wheeled in column, marched: blocks of cavalry changed posts: artillery bellowed from one spot and quickly selected another.
Rooke staggered back and bellowed with pain and anger, then rushing at him incautiously, received a stinger that staggered him, and nearly closed his right eye.
As the ship obeyed, and a deck-gun bellowed below him, he saw a vessel running out from Long Island, and coming swiftly up on his lee quarter.
The eight heavy reports bellowed the great ship's impatience across the water and out pulled two boats with the passengers.
He put a small megaphone to his lips and bellowed the words across the water.
Dawson bellowed as he hauled the wing screaming MK-11 up out of its mad dive.
Then take the thing off,†bellowed the naval autocrat, “and put it on the other end.
Do you mean to say,†bellowed the instructor, “that you do not know where your front is?
There was another long pause here, during which the storm outside bellowed and hooted like an angry mob roaring at the windows for a victim.
Hammer away at his knocker,' bellowed Dickon, in a frenzy of delight.
I'll not be sworn at nor threatened wi' t' law in my own house," bellowed the farmer.
The chorusbellowed out to the skies, as the procession swept on, leaving Father Ricci and Father Rudolpho Acquaviva to continue their way to the little mission chapel which Akbar had built for them.
He bellowed a number of platitudes about the true foundations of England's greatness, told everybody that he was a Conservative--a Tory of the old school.
Dorothy looked sarcastically at her wrist-watch, and her father bellowed like a bull on the banks of that stream in midsummer.
Luckily his chief perceived the horrible mistake in time and bellowed at him to take it out and leave it on the pavement outside the station.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bellowed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.