As the battue ended up came the rush of beaters and our trees were soon surrounded by a crowd of eager, exultant, infuriated beaters and huntsmen.
The battue of civilians through the streets was the final horror of that night.
There was a battue by two German regiments through the village.
From the beginning of the battue it was easy to see that the hunt would be a good one.
As the battue promised chiefly deer and hares, the guns were loaded with balls.
I was with him the first day at a rabbit battue where we were placed rather near each other, and every man was asked to keep quite to his own place and to shoot straight before him.
Some walking, some driving, and had one pretty battue of rabbits; after that two of pheasants, which were most amusing.
As he was very much pleased with this idea of a hunt, Edmee undertook to organize, with my help, a general battue and to join in the sport herself.
I stopped, petrified with horror; why, I know not; for in the middle of a battue the report of a gun was by no means extraordinary; but my soul was so sorrowful that it seemed ready to find fresh woe in everything.
I clung to the belief that one of the men in the battue had fired at Edmee by mistake, and that a feeling of fear and shame prevented him from confessing his misadventure.
Hunting an old wolf in the open is impracticable, and in a battue it is monotonous and tiresome; but to hunt a young wolf six or seven months old is easy, agreeable, and amusing.
Sunday was to be devoted to a grand battue of wolves in the woods of La Pauvrière and the forest of Grand'Lande, which were infested by those beasts.
In a battue of this description a whole neighbourhood joins.
The battueis not so welcome to the sportsman as the chase of the forester.
The battueof kangaroos is often rendered imperative by the rapid increase of the marsupials after the disappearance of their old enemies, the aborigines and the dingo.
The termination of the battue was at length reached.
A regularbattue was established,--all hands taking share in it.
Well, I invite you for next Sunday to a battue with M.
The battue at Brassoire was really a shooting party, at which all the best guns in the district were present, M.
In the nextbattue I had hardly been five minutes at my post when I heard from behind the breaking of dead branches, as of some animal advancing slowly.
For our nextbattue we turned right-about face, the beaters coming from the other side; but we had bad luck.
Horses were being saddled, powder served out, and arrangements made for a systematic battueof the robbers.
We started for our first battue in capital time, taking with us a crowd of Wallack beaters.
During the firstbattue eight wild-boars were sighted.
The morning on which her puppies were drowned there had been a battue of rats, some of which were wounded and escaped.
After a battue in the Park in the winter of 1845, he directed one of the under-keepers to examine the ground carefully, which had been shot over the day before.
On the morrow, at daybreak, the pirate ordered a closebattue to be made in the environs of the grotto; but no track existed.
Provided with torches, the peons and vaqueros commenced a battueof an immense extent in search of their mistress and the major-domo.
But when we come to the shooting of artificially reared and carefully preserved pheasants, and especially to what is known as “battue shooting,†very different considerations arise.
The horrors of the battue have been described and denounced so often that little need be said about it here.
It is within our knowledge that the battue is condemned even by gamekeepers.
For days after a battue hares may be seen with broken backs, dragging their hind-quarters after them among the bushes, and pheasants may be seen running about with broken wings trailing the ground.
A battue is a hunt in which beaters force the game to | | flee in the direction of the hunter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "battue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.