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Example sentences for "vocal music"

  • John Curwen published his Grammar of Vocal Music in 1842.

  • It is found in Vocal Music, or the Songster's Companion, 1775, and it was claimed by Moore to be an Irish melody, but some authorities deny this.

  • When he grew up he retained his love of vocal music, and showed a strong predilection for national airs and old songs.

  • The Committee on Vocal Music, under the direction of Professor Edwin G.

  • These were: A Loan Exhibit Committee, A Committee on Vocal Music, A Colonial Reception Committee.

  • Defn: A piece of vocal music, especially one on an amoreus subject; a serenade.

  • A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad.

  • Vocal music, music made by the voice, in distinction from instrumental music; hence, music or tunes set to words, to be performed by the human voice.

  • Any composition of vocal music appropriate to the opening of church services.

  • In vocal music, where the words express no passion or emotion, the voice becomes little more than a mere instrument of the composer or the performer.

  • A collection of Vocal Music, arranged for the use of Seminaries, High Schools, Singing Classes, etc.

  • Containing, also, the Elementary Principles of Vocal Music according to the Inductive Method.

  • A piece of vocal music, especially one on an amoreus subject; a serenade.

  • Jeanne-Armande had not failed to proclaim far and wide her candidate's qualifications as to vocal music.

  • To Signor Belzini, the teacher of vocal music, the drawing-room itself was assigned.

  • Early in December she obtained a new pupil, her first in vocal music.

  • Take all the teachers of vocal music, says M.

  • These three octaves are amply sufficient for all the purposes of vocal music, which alone is considered here.

  • They must practise their instrumental and vocal music, and learn it nearly "by heart," before they attempt to perform it for others.

  • The correct use of the voice must transcend all considerations in vocal music, and no sort of practice which misuses the vocal organs can be excused for a moment.

  • It is necessary, then, that this, which is the essence of all instruction in vocal music, should be brought to the attention of the vast army of instructors in our public schools in as convincing a way as is possible.

  • As all singing-tone is vocal or vowel in its character, the production of the various vowel-sounds takes precedence in the study of vocal music.

  • If it were not true it would be difficult to justify the teaching of vocal music in schools, or the employment of boy sopranos in church choirs.

  • Every one of the alterations of voice which we have found to be a physiological result of pain or pleasure, is carried to its greatest extreme in vocal music.

  • We have here, then, a principle underlying all vocal phenomena; including those of vocal music, and by consequence those of music in general.

  • On the other hand, how sad is the condition of vocal music in our time!

  • In such a state of darkness and uncertainty, to undertake to instruct others appeared to me a manifest wrong, for in no branch of instruction can the ignorance of the teacher do greater injury than in the teaching of vocal music.

  • Whatever may be the decision as to the respective claims of vocal and instrumental music, we have every reason for welcoming the appearance, in our own country, of an original work in the highest form of vocal music.

  • Even restricting ourselves to vocal music, there is still a broad field left open for original work.

  • When instrumental music began to develop independently it naturally followed the lines already followed by vocal music.

  • The first influence was the introduction of solo singing in vocal music.

  • It is a fault that caused the fathers of harmony to prohibit what are called hidden fifths in vocal music.

  • Impassioned speech, then, was all that existed of vocal music, and as such was in every way merely the audible expression of poetry.

  • Although we have many controversies as to what purely instrumental or vocal music may do, the operatic art, if we may call it so, always remains the same.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vocal music" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    applied mathematics; birch canoe; but surely; chief named; could form; crying out; even unto; first work; got home; great applause; had had; know from; last will and testament; made very; mile when; only brother; ordinary cases; sins should; spake again; tons gross; vocal cords; vocal expression; vocal music; vocal sounds; vocal training; wish you were here