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Example sentences for "babyhood"

Lexicographically close words:
babirusa; babling; baboon; baboons; baby; babyish; babylonischen; babys; bacca; baccalaureate
  1. And the pity of it all is that overindulgence in babyhood so often means wrecked nerves and shattered happiness in later life.

  2. The little girl as she leaves her babyhood days should be put into garments that do not necessitate the constant admonition, "Keep your dress down, dear.

  3. Such a record will not only enlighten the mother concerning the development of the child, but the grown-up child appreciates the record and preserves it along with the other archives of babyhood days.

  4. There should be no physical disturbance at the appearance of the teeth, which is a physiological process, and it is to be deplored that all of the ills of babyhood are laid upon the teeth with the careless remark: "Oh, its his teeth!

  5. From her babyhood she is taught the duty of obeying some one or other among her relations.

  6. We can only seek out the children, and hope by giving them from babyhood bits of the noblest literature, to prepare them for the great opportunities of mature life.

  7. The habit of her whole life from her babyhood up had been to so look to him as comrade and protector and sympathetic friend.

  8. In the very dawn of babyhood dress had no special import; to his masculine eyes sex was lost in youth.

  9. So little Lydia Bestman stood drearily watching with sorrow-filled eyes the England of her babyhood fade slowly into the distance--eyes that were fated never to see again the royal old land of her birth.

  10. We must not prolong babyhood into the kindergarten; or, at least, we must begin to engraft personal consciousness upon it, by playing little antagonisms merely.

  11. How little I dreamed in your innocent babyhood that you were reserved for such a fate!

  12. From her babyhood she has been taught naught but evil.

  13. The name given to her had been Clorinda, and from her babyhood she had been as tempestuous as her sisters were mild.

  14. There had been one great inconvenience in his imitative propensities; since his early babyhood they had not dared to take him to church.

  15. From babyhood he had seen his mother weeping occasionally in resigned sadness.

  16. From babyhood he had interrupted his play in order to "work" in the reception room near to the hatrack by the door.

  17. During his babyhood he was very frail; in childhood sickly and weak; and throughout his whole life he suffered much from indigestion and insomnia.

  18. From babyhood we lose sight of Socrates until we find him working at his father's trade as a sculptor.

  19. For even in his earliest babyhood he had the peculiar gift of Style.

  20. But I never yielded to him, not even in those babyhood days, for I wanted him to grow up to be a fine sample of manhood, and I knew that if he was to do that he must know that his mother was not weak.

  21. Deprived in babyhood of a mother's love and care, she had been left entirely in the hands of her selfish and ambitious father.

  22. She had grown from babyhood to be a lovely child since he had seen her last, and he at once recognised the promise of extraordinary beauty that she showed.

  23. Babyhood is certainly too early a time for betrothals.

  24. A betrothal is in practice as binding as a marriage; indeed, a betrothal that took place in the babyhood of both the principals may, in certain circumstances, be regarded as an actual marriage.

  25. But that was not so largely responsible for his self-complacent expression as the deference he had got from babyhood through being heir apparent to the Wright fortune.

  26. In babyhood the mind is plastic; when one has grown to maturity, it is hard and unyielding.

  27. Yet, that there are natures upon which the feeling of emptiness and longing herein burlesqued seizes in mere babyhood is sadly true.

  28. From her babyhood she had been petted and admired by her family, and the world--her world--was as ready with its meed of the adulation which was her element.

  29. Sentiment and the sad experience of her babyhood always prompted Frank to choose the cradle, of course.

  30. Even in babyhood his command of language had been a wonder to the neighborhood in which he lived.

  31. It made no difference that he had been used to her wiles from babyhood up.

  32. From her babyhood to this day of her girlhood, it had been Philip Alston's pride and happiness to dress her as the proudest and richest father might dress his daughter, in the midst of the highest civilization.

  33. So it is with joy that we know that these parents are beginning with the babyhood of their children to tell them of Him who blessed the little ones and said, 'of such is the kingdom of heaven.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "babyhood" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    beginning; birth; boyhood; childhood; children; cradle; inception; incipiency; infancy; kid; origin; origination; parturition; pregnancy; young; youth