There is usually a bud in the axil of each lower scale of the axillary buds, making three side by side.
The flower-scar is on the summit of the axis, and often apparently in the axil of a branch, as in Horsechestnut.
In every bud examined which contained a flower, there was an axillary bud in the axil of the last, or next to the last, leaf.
If thorn-bearing varieties are to be propagated, a thorn with a bud in its axilis often cut with the bud, to serve as a handle in place of the leaf stalk, which is used in summer budding.
A bulblet is a small bulb borne entirely above ground, usually in the axil of a leaf or in the inflorescence.
The cutting produces a small tuber near its lower extremity, or sometimes in the axil of a leaf above ground, and this tuber must be planted to secure a new plant.
In the axil of each lemma, and usually concealed by it, is a smaller bract, the palea, and between the lemma and the palea is a single flower.
Numerous circular pits occur on the concentric ridges of the depressed and wrinkled crown, marking the position of former inflorescences borne in the leaf-axil at different stages in the growth of the plant.
One argument that has been adduced in support of the axillary bud theory is derived from the Palaeozoic type Cordaites, in which each ovule occurs on an axis borne in the axil of a bract.
Fruit on a short branch from the axil of an underleaf.
Flowers dioecious or polygamous, collected in terminal heads, each in the axil of a scaly bract, and with 5 or 6 thin and scarious imbricated bractlets, but no proper calyx.
Sterile flowers numerous and lining the base of the involucre, each from the axil of a little bract, and consisting merely of a single stamen jointed on a pedicel like the filament; anther-cells globular, separate.
Fertile catkins solitary or aggregated immediately below the terminal bud, or lateral on the young shoot, consisting of imbricated carpellary scales, each in the axil of a persistent bract, bearing a pair of inverted ovules at the base.
Fertile flowers in catkins, consisting of numerous open spirally imbricated carpels in the form of scales, each scale in the axil of a thin persistent bract; in fruit forming a strobile or cone.
Many flowers from theaxil of a bract; no bractioles interspersed, hence we may expect racemose or spicate partial inflorescences.
Hence the very common presence of three bracteae to each flower, the central one presenting the leaf from whose axil the partial branch springs.
The permanency of the character of aggregate flowers is here shown, as well as in Echinops, so that it is scarcely probable we shall ever meet a compositious flower solitary in the axil of an ordinary leaf.
A scar in the leaf-axil marks the failure of another flower.
This bud is deftly cut from the current year's growth of the desired variety; it grows in the axil of a leaf (Fig.
The third glume contains no flower in it, but occasionally there may be in its axil three stamens.
The aerial shoot comes into the air and its lower portion is continued by a branch arising from a lower leaf axil beneath the soil.
A potential branch or bud, either foliage or flower, is formed in the axil of each leaf; sometimes more than one bud arises, as for instance in the walnut, where two or three stand in vertical series above each leaf.
Except where it is terminal it arises, like the leaf-shoot, in the axil of a leaf, which is then known as a bract.
Occasionally, as in violet, a flower arises singly in the axil of an ordinary foliage-leaf; it is then termed axillary.
A more or less modified leaf belonging to a flower or fruit; usually a small leaf in the axil of which the separate flower of a cluster grows, 28.
In the axil of the whole leaf the bud forms for the growth of a new branch.
Any grouping of flowers or fruit on a plant, so that more than one is found in the axil of a leaf, or at the end of a stem, 26.
If allowed to do so, branches would spring from the axil of each leaf and the plant would become a perfect thicket of slender branches and leaves and produce but little fruit.
The main stem is sometimes pinched out after three or four clusters of fruit are set and the branch from the axil of the first leaf above is allowed to take its place.
A lateral bud is one situated on the side of a twig in the axil of a leaf-scar.
Each flower has a short pedicel that arises from the axil of a whitish or coloured bract; and the two small sepals are either white or coloured like the bracts.
Each spikelet is in the axil of a scaly or leafy outer bract, and consists of several scales or glumes, each with a single sessile flower in its axil.
If we examine a lateral bud we find immediately beneath it a more or less distinct scar, denoting the position of a leaf that fell in the autumn, thus showing that the bud in question was formed in the axil or angle of the leaf.
The flowering branches, towards the top of the plant, generally radiate from one point, forming an umbel of from two to five or more rays that proceed from the axil of one or more leaves.
Each flower of the spike is in the axil of a bract resembling the scales of the lower part of the stem; and in some species there is a pair of smaller bracts close to the base of the calyx.
The fact that the spines of the Barberry produce a leaf-bud in their axil also proves them to be leaves.
White Pine, answers to a similar extremely short branch, springing from the axil of a thin and slender scale, which represents a leaf of the main shoot.
But in Ruscus, flowers are borne on one face, in the axil of a little scale: and this would seem to settle that they are branches.
The proper origin of branches is from the AXIL of a leaf, i.
Specially, the bract is the small leaf or scale from the axil of which a flower or its pedicel proceeds, 73.
There are cases where two, three, or more buds spring from the axil of a leaf, instead of the single one which is ordinarily found there.
Piece of a branch of Pitch Pine, with three leaves in a fascicle or bundle, in the axil of a thin scale which answers to a primary leaf.
Pistillate: In the axil of each bract; ovary, 3 locules each with 1 ovule, covered like the leaves with hairs and yellow, granular glands.
Each lateral will start again from the axil of the leaf that has been left, and having formed another leaf, should again be cut off.
From theaxil of this leaf, that is, between it and the primary axis a1 arises a secondary axis a2, ending in a flower f2, and producing a leaf about the middle.
Flower-buds, like leaf-buds, are produced in the axil of leaves, which are called bracts.
From the axil of this leaf a tertiary floral axis a3, ending in a flower f3, takes origin.
The specimen from Chinaja was found in water in the axil of a large elephant-ear plant (Xanthosoma) by day in March.
All the parts of the flower may be thus affected; but, as might have been anticipated from the foliaceous nature of the sepals, the new bud usually arises from within the axil of one of those organs.
There are on record instances wherein a leaf-bud has been placed in the axil of a more or less leaf-like carpel; while at other times a second imperfect carpel has been met with in the axil of the first.
In the axil of this abnormal leaf were two axillary buds.
It occasionally happens that an adventitious bud arises from the axil of a monocarpellary pistil.
Pears are occasionally also observed arising either from the axils of the sepals of the primary pear or from the axil of leaves originating on the outer surface of the fruits--using the term fruit in its popular sense.
Gris, who observed that the so-called calyx-tube was provided with two small bracts, from the axil of one of which proceeded a small flower-bud.
In the case of the hazel the unusual development of male catkins sometimes coincides with an alteration in their position, instead of being placed near the axil of a leaf; they become terminal.
The formation of an adventitious leaf-bud in the axil of any of the parts of the flower is not of such common occurrence as the development of a flower-bud in similar situations, nor is it so frequent as median foliar prolification.
Staminate flowers 3-6 in the axil of each bract, with a calyx, pistillate flowers without a calyx; nut winged.
Staminate flowers solitary in theaxil of each bract, without a calyx, pistillate flowers with a calyx; nut wingless.
Each bunch of leaves is produced in the axil (or angle) of a minute scale-like body, but this scale can best be seen and studied on the very young growth.
Is there always a bud in the axil where the leaf stalk joins the twig?
When a sterile plant with a dark axil is crossed by a fertile plant with a light axil, the F1 plants are all fertile with dark axils.
No light axilled steriles appear from such a cross owing to the repulsion between the factor for dark axil (D) and that for the fertile anther (F).
The dark pigmented axilis dominant to the light one.
In the sweet pea the dark reddish purple axil is dominant to the light green one.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "axil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.