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Example sentences for "avowals"

Lexicographically close words:
avoucheth; avouching; avoue; avow; avowal; avowe; avowed; avowedly; avowing; avows
  1. The instances are innumerable in which the recipient of such avowals at once asks an audience and proves the sincerity of his own conversion by detailing what he had heard.

  2. The true, flattering avowals we make, are not those we utter, but those that escape us without our knowledge.

  3. Avowals absolutely useless in themselves, and which always incumber a passion with several nebulous days.

  4. The most extensive wave of really innovating thought was that set up by the social and anti-sacerdotal revolt of the Anabaptists, among whom occurred also the first popular avowals of Unitarianism.

  5. It is not enough, on such an occasion, and especially after avowals made in this Chamber, to say that retaliation shall be according to the principles of Public Law.

  6. Some were favorably affected by the avowals of patriotism in numerous off-hand speeches, although touching but a single chord.

  7. A cry of admiration burst from the rest of the party; these avowals confirming not the immortality, but the penetration, of Count Cagliostro.

  8. The wisest way to meet it, will be to make our avowals of the relationship as open as possible.

  9. The amiability of these Italians, assisted by their sharp and nimble wits, caused them to overflow with plausible suggestions, and to be very bounteous in their avowals of interest for the lost Hilda.

  10. Then, half-avowals from her women, compelled to obey the pacha from fear of death, mixed with confused memories of her own, revealed the whole terrible truth.

  11. Here are the avowals of the fact, and the reasons for it--that honor required us to fight for Texas, if we intrigued her into a war.

  12. She would see La Corriveau to-morrow night, and would make no more avowals to Mère Malheur, she said to herself.

  13. The bold avowals of Angélique with reference to the Intendant had shocked Amélie.

  14. In the same spirit, with the same fervour, and the same perception of love's fickleness and instability, he carried off Mary Godwin with avowals that he would love her 'for ever.

  15. In the conviction that appeals for sympathy are avowals of unworthiness, it will have no part in the love of comrades, and it never discovered the truth that the strength and the compassion of the Divine are one perfection.

  16. The means which Master Conrad took to obtain these avowals from his victims were simple in the extreme.

  17. By free use of torture they obtained the necessary avowals and evidence.

  18. The unconditional Union men accepted his views as the logical and necessary avowals of his constitutional duty.

  19. This was acknowledged before Samuel Adams and Thomas Jefferson were born, and before the Patriots had made good their great avowals by their heroic struggles from Concord to Yorktown.

  20. Such were the attitude of the Republican Party, the avowals and pledges of President Lincoln and the enactments of Congress, with respect to slavery, at the time of Virginia's secession.

  21. Something snapped and gave way within him; and he needed no further signal that the occasion for passionate avowals was not the present.

  22. The most unintentional of avowals had come from his lips.

  23. The girl had aroused his pity and alarm by her passionate avowals of love and equally passionate threats of suicide.

  24. Were not your avowals sufficiently explicit?

  25. You may then hope, my dear father, for the indulgence of the Holy See--that is, if your avowals are sufficiently explicit to fill up the chasms necessarily left in a confession made during delirium.

  26. If it were true that the avowals would disfigure it, that would be a proof that we are not loved on the same scale as that on which we love.

  27. It seems to us as though certain avowals would disfigure for ever the image which they have formed of us.

  28. Once that the balance is established, avowals raise the level of happiness and love.

  29. For there ever remained to her the sweet enjoyment of his letters--of those passionately written avowals of his love.

  30. He would recognize you by your sigh, and his lips would not speak those words and avowals which you desire to hear.

  31. He was not obtrusive nor unreasonable however in avowals of this feeling.

  32. The papal legate then, turning towards the Grand Master and his companions, called upon them to renew, in the hearing of the people, the avowals which they had previously made of the guilt of their order.

  33. It was opened by the holy pontiff in person, who caused the different confessions and avowals of the Templars to be read over before the assembled nobles and prelates.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "avowals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.