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Example sentences for "appoynted"

Lexicographically close words:
appositely; appositeness; apposition; appositive; appoynt; appoyntement; appraisal; appraisals; appraise; appraised
  1. Thys newes lyked well Cortez, wherevppon he appoynted two Captaynes, whose names were Alonso de Auila, and Peter de Aluarado, and to eache of them fiftie menne.

  2. Mutezuma graunted to his request, and incontinent appoynted eyght Indians, of the which four were Goldsmythes, who had knowledge and vnderstanding of Mynes, and the other foure were guydes for the iourney.

  3. Cortes also appoynted certaine of his men to watch the hall dore, and then went to his lodging to supper, where he and his company was well prouided at the Caziks furniture.

  4. When all these that were appoynted to die were washed & theyr bellies full with meate & drinke, then they paynted their faces yellow, and put garlandes of swéete floures vpon each of their heads.

  5. One of them named Iztlixuchilh béeyng a valiant yong man, of the age of foure and twenty yeares, he appoynted generall Captayne ouer fiftie thousande men of warre, well armed and trimmed according to their fashion.

  6. Cortes wente, and carried the Priest with him, whome he appoynted to require them to ceasse from contention, and to remoue their siege, but he came not backe wyth aunswere.

  7. Cortes named and appoynted for Lorde of his fathers estate, and the commons did certifie it to appertaine vnto him.

  8. Euerie one readie to his appoynted Office, with a carefull, diligent, and affecting indeuour, wholy to that seruice which was enioyned him.

  9. And by this appoynted order, there was continually heard melodious soundes, and pleasaunt harmonies, sweete concords with delightfull Musicke presented, odoriferous perfume smelt, and stately viandes plentifully fedde of.

  10. And euerie one beeing sette in his appoynted place, the high and mightie Princesse did commaund a company to come in, and stande vppon the diasper checkers, neuer the like before seene or imagined of anie mortall creature.

  11. To make a triangle in a circle appoynted whose corners shal be equall to the corners of any triangle assigned.

  12. The brefe argumentes of suche bokes as ar appoynted shortly to be set forth by the author herof.

  13. And that ye farther suffer the officers appoynted by thesayd Busshop to resceyve aswell the next rent due at the Fest of thannunciacion of our lady last past as all other rentes due sithe that tyme.

  14. Here was John Deane and appoynted to brynge in his fyne x{li} for havinge an Anathomye in his howse contrary to an order in that behalf between this and mydsomer next.

  15. Henry Wheelis is appoynted to pˀcure his M{r} to make him free the next Court or to geve ovˀ his shop in long lane yf not then to be comitted to the compter.

  16. Here was John Appowell and he was appoynted the lyke.

  17. This daye Will{m} Deepeinge Owin Jones and Edward Waterhowse were appoynted for three of the wiflers for the yere ensuinge.

  18. Here was John Newsam and he was appoynted to brynge in his fyne for not pˀsentynge his apprentice.

  19. This daye John Stubbes one of my lord maiors officers is appoynted a Serjeant to this Company.

  20. Here was Willm̃ Brode and brought in an answere agaynste the complaynt of Edward Saunders for lykeninge hym to Esoppes dogge and they were appoynted to be ffrends and to brynge the matter no more in question.

  21. Shipp Galliasse pynnesse and Shalupe appoynted to the wyng shall have in ther mesyn toppe one flag of saint George's crosse[302].

  22. Item thadmirall of the vanwarde ys appoynted to beare too flaggs of saint George crosse, thone in his mayne topp and thother in his fore topp.

  23. And every shipp appoynted to the vanwarde shall weare one flag of sainte Georges crosse in his fore toppe.

  24. Aloisio maruellous glad of those desired Newes, at the appoynted Nyght, about fyue or sixe of the Clocke, with a Ladder made of Roapes (bicause the Window was very high) went thyther alone.

  25. And when hee sawe tyme he sent them to the Gentlewoman, aduertising hir that the Nyght folowyng, she must doe the thing he had appoynted hir.

  26. The Queene then appoynted hir to be one of hir women of honor, and esteemed hir very deerely.

  27. Of the Sodomie which those Indians vse with foure young men, appoynted for that seruice, which weare womens apparel.

  28. AT this same Assemblie was the Lord James appoynted to go to France to the Quene oure Soverane;[308] and a Parliament was appointed to begyn the twenty of Maij nixt following; for at that tyme was the returne of the said Lord James looked for.

  29. That punischment may be appoynted for the abusaris of the sacramentis, and for the contempnaris of the same.

  30. Andrews had by many letters acquaynted him with y^e differences betweene them, and appoynted him for his assigne to receive his parte of y^e debte.

  31. Payde to Sir James Crofte, Knighte, appoynted by order from the lordes of the privie Councell to geve his attendaunce uppon the saide lady Arbella Seymour for his enterteynement at xxx's.

  32. October the Kyng of Englande toke his waye to mete with the frensshe kyng at the place before appoynted with vij.

  33. And he appoynted the people vnto the cities/ from one syde of Egipte vnto the other: only the londe of the Prestes bought he not.

  34. And Iacob sayde vnto Laban/ geue me my wife/ that I maye lye with hir For the tyme appoynted me is come.

  35. In the tyme appoynted will I returne vnto the/ as soone as the frute can haue lyfe/ And Sara shall haue a sonne.

  36. Signed in ye name & by ordr of yr Councell of State appoynted by Authoritye of Parliamt Jo: Bradshawe Prsidt.

  37. And I have aftyr and many tymes askyd and requyred of the seid William Greve of mony for his bord, for he promysid and appoynted with me for every weke ijs.

  38. And forasmoche as for certayne especiall causes moving, there be sessions appoynted to be holden at Gyppiswiche, the Friday sevenyght aftre Estre, which shall be the xv.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appoynted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.