And thus being reared up with handkerchiefs and flagges streaming on the toppe they strawe the ground aboute, binde green boughes aboute it, sett up sommer houses, Bowers, and Arbours hard by it.
Wee went under this torrent a quarter of a mille, that falls from the toppe above fourty foot downwards.
For by that meanes (without doubte) will the whole swarme flye vp to the toppe and head of the Hiue.
The freestone fountaine above Lacock, neer Bowdon, in the rode-way, is higher than the toppe of Lacock steeple.
I wolde haue flowen to the hores toppe and I wolde haue crowned myne husbande at hys oute goinge to her with a pysbowle, that he so embawlmed might haue gon vnto his souerayne ladie.
Then Venus spake unto Psyches againe saying: Seest thou the toppe of yonder great Hill, from whence there runneth downe waters of blacke and deadly colour, which nourisheth the floods of Stix, Cocytus?
And going along the coast thou shalt see the towne of Porto Seguro standing vpon the toppe of an hill; which hill is a white rocke: and on the North side of the sayd rocke there is a very hie land.
Vpon thetoppe of the temple were two stones or chappells, and in them were the two Idolls which I have spoken of, Vitziliputzli, and his companion Tlaloc.
Vpon every rod were twentie sculles, and these ranckes of sculles continue from the foote to the toppe of the tree.
August they had sight of the Countesses sound, and made the place perfect from the toppe of a hill, and keeping along the Norther shore, perceiued the smoke of a fire vnder a hils side: whereof they diuersely deemed.
I was afearde for he [the dog with horns] skypped and leaped to and fro, and satte on the toppe of a nettle.
Therefore I went right to the toppe thereof, where we found nothing else but Cedars, Palme, and Baytrees of so souereigne odour, that Baulme smelleth nothing like in comparison.
The one company affirmed, that they had seene in a valley eleuen Sauages, and diuers houses halfe a mile distant from the steepe, or toppe of the hill where they stayed.
When wee were out of the Towne, diuerse of the men and women followed vs, and brought vs to the toppe of the foresaid mountaine, which we named Mount Roiall, it is about a league from the Towne.
M137) When as we were on the toppeof it, we might discerne and plainly see thirtie leagues about.
I sent also to the Centinels, which I caused to be kept on a little knappe, to cause certaine men to climbe vp to the toppe of the highest trees the better to discouer them.
I haue bene vpon the toppe of a mountaine, which is at the foot of the Saults, where I haue seene the said Riuer beyond the sayd Saultes, which shewed vnto vs to be broader then it was where we passed it.
Shipp Galliasse pynnesse and Shalupe appoynted to the wyng shall have in ther mesyn toppe one flag of saint George's crosse[302].
From thence we ascended the hill to the Castle, which is situated on the very toppeof a hill.
After this folow fiftene other most faire Camels, euery one carying one of the abouesayd vestures, being couered from toppe to toe with silke.
The fift, we sayled by the Bowline, and out of the toppe we had sight of the Iland of Candia, and towardes noone we might see it plaine, and towards night the winde waxed calme.
In the moneth of March or Aprill, when the sappe goeth vp to the toppe of the tree, then they take the Sinamom from that tree in this wise.
This is a pretie towne walled about and built vpon the sea side, hauing on the toppe of a round hill a faire Church.
Cortes desired Mutezuma to goe vp into the sotie, which is the toppe of the flatte roufe of the house, and to commaunde his subiects to ceasse from their heate and furie.
Vpon the toppe of this Temple are two great Alters, a good space distant the one from the other, and so nigh the edge or brimme of the wall, that scarcely a man mought go behind them at pleasure.
The Indians slewe some of the Spaniardes whiche came in the reregard, and many of their Indian friends, before they could get vp to the toppe of the hill.
And aloft vppon the toppe of this little hill, there grewe a fine pomgranate tree, the body, boughes and fruite made all of golde, the leaues of greene Smaragde.
Besides this, out of the toppe of the hollowe steale, lyke a pype, there came out a turning steale, the lowest part whereof rested in a heade, framed from the middle trunke or pype iust ouer the axeltree.
For among other iewelles of inestimable price, vppon the verie toppe in a flower, there was sette a Diamond in fashion of a peare, glistering and sparkling of a huge and vnseene bignes.
As one may see out of the toppe of Paules steeple.
So brycke was there stone and slyme was there morter And they sayd: Come on/ let vs buylde vs a cyte and a toure/ that the toppe may reach vnto heauen.
And the water prevayled and increased exceadingly vppon the erth: and the arke went vppo the toppe of the waters.
And, as it is the guise, to toppe a man we send, Who straight a saile or two espies, with whom we then do wend.
And suddenly a great number of the Turkes skipping vpon the ruines thereof, displayed their Ensignes, euen to the toppe of the same.
Vpon the toppe of the hill lay their great Ordinance (such as they had) wherewith they shot leaden bullets, whereof one pierced through our Prizes side, and lay still in the shippe without doing any more harme.
Thus setting our course for England, being off the Islands in the height of 41 degrees, or there about, one of our men being in the toppe discried a saile, then 10.
Hauing sent our boat to them to bring some of the chiefe of their men aboord the Victorie, in the meane time whilest they were in comming to vs one out of the maine toppe espied another saile a head some three or foure leagues from vs.
The toppe of hope supposed, the roote of ruth wil be, And frutelesse all their grassed guiles, as shortly ye shall see.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toppe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.