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Example sentences for "aout"

Lexicographically close words:
aortic; aos; aoul; aouls; aour; apace; apanage; aparejo; apart
  1. The fellah's had him aout nights afore; b't I never thought nothin' o' no mischief.

  2. So yest'd'y I lit aout on a new idee, 'n set the trap on top a stump cluss teu a tree 'n covered it with leaves.

  3. It was the Marchioness d'Aout who had been his dresser.

  4. As I was entering the boa with the two girls I saw the Marchioness d'Aout was my near neighbour.

  5. Now, Emmy, you git aout and hitch him to that there post.

  6. Them that's got venom under their tongues, must spit it aout if they open their lips at all.

  7. What in thunder'd we do if he camped aout on us, mebbe fur a hull day'nd night--gorry!

  8. Leave it to me, boy; I aint agoin' to fail yeou, not if I have to stare my ole peepers aout o' focus for keeps.

  9. What if the ole geezer takes a notion to tent aout here at aour tree--say, that'd be the limit, bet yeour boots it would!

  10. I never would a b'lieved that stunt could be pulled off if I hadn't seen the miracle carried aout with my own lamps," he kept saying half to himself, as he finished his part of the survey.

  11. Julluk the night Jonathan carried aout Luke," they say, listening to the wind howling over the ledges.

  12. I helped aout some myself, but I'd never gut my schoolin' if he hadn't pinched and saved for me.

  13. I'd like to take some of the conceit aout of him!

  14. Waal, gol derned if he don't figure it aout that he'd have the hundred cinched if he made the bet!

  15. I wouldn't have him find aout for anything.

  16. As I was entering the box with the two girls I saw the Marchioness d'Aout was my near neighbour.

  17. I stand ready and willin' ter put my hand in my pocket ter help aout expenses, ef some others will 'gree ter chip in.

  18. When I started aout this morning, the fust pusson I see was Janie Clifton, an' what on airth do ye think she's been up to?

  19. I cal'late they think he's the whole cheese; but mebbe they'll find aout he ain't only a small slice of the rind.

  20. He struck aout Tut in t'other innin'," drawled Sile Crane.

  21. No way of coaxin' 'em aout and there was two hunder' pound o' June butter in the place.

  22. Mrs. Pringle told me that they had some big fires aout toward the Ridge las' night.

  23. Ef they wuz inny way to make things come aout rat lessen I told, I wouldn' tell.

  24. If she'd only been a boy I'd licked her aout o' this afore naow!

  25. But the most amusingest part was, they chaps' lawyer tried to make aout a winkle warn't a fish, but a wild animal.

  26. Then yaou can git she aout yerself," says Jim.

  27. So it were rum, and of course they den't never think to bring no bucket for ould Gladstone to drink aout of, so they had to use Lishe's sou'wester.

  28. We an' all run aout an' seed she a standin' there all lit up.

  29. That fair knocked the wind aout o' me, and I reckon I was lucky I den't break nawthen.

  30. Come daown to earth and get it aout of yeour system as quick as yeou can.

  31. When the fish hear that he’s araound,” grinned Crane, “they crawl right aout on dry land and hide themselves.

  32. Git in, Sleuth, so I can put aout the light,” urged Sile.

  33. A good big dip right aout of the middle of that ants’ nest,” snickered Sile.

  34. What shall we du, mates, if a brings her aout safe an' saound?

  35. Take aout the horses and drag 'im home, say I.

  36. Genally they goes aout feet foremost, when they goes aout at all, an they ain't long lived.

  37. Can't make aout what in time she wants on ye.

  38. I hearn ez how Solomon Gleason's goin ter sell him aout pooty soon," Abner remarked.

  39. They never gits let aout like other fellers as is in jail.

  40. Iry Seymour wuz a gonter sell aout Elnathan Hamlin this week, but somehow he hain't got tew it," said Abner, dryly.

  41. We kin hole aout jist like the Green Mounting boys did agin the Yorkers an licked em tew, and got shet of em an be indypendent tidday, by gol, same ez Berkshire orter be.

  42. But ye see some of the boys hev got a noshin agin heven any more fellers sole aout fer debt, an we've been a explainin our idee to Iry this mornin.

  43. Wy, it's the caounty jail, ye know, an we're lettin aout the debtors.

  44. Don' waste no more talk, but jess grab her kinder soft like, an fetch her aout ter the sleigh, willy nilly.

  45. They makes em work aout ther debt and reckons ther work tew baout wat they pleases.

  46. Djama Aout and the rest will stay to help you while I go back and move the caravan to a new camp-site.

  47. Having fallen from the pain and shock of his wounded arm, Djama Aout rose, backed off a little distance, and stood at bay, the pistol clubbed in his left hand.

  48. Jest lasts long enough to start a fuss, an' then lights aout to make new trouble.

  49. Waal, ef I was yeou, I'd hire myself aout to some dime museum as the human bobber.

  50. Aout at Ace High, when we was up against all them ruffians, he fought like a dozen tigers all rolled inter one.

  51. I tell yeou it does a man good to go aout where he kin see somethin' besides a lot of flatness an' sky.

  52. I must do somethin' ter put aout the fire!

  53. I saw her comin' aout of a dressin' room.

  54. I uster jest go aout an' set right daown an' look at them air hills by the hour, an' I uster say to myself I didn't see haow heaven could be any purtier than the Varmount hills in ther fall.

  55. It uster do me good ter take my old muzzle-loadin' gun an' go aout in the woods trampin' in the fall.

  56. I ain't goin' to knock aout the show ef I kin help it.

  57. I dunno'd I see whut they're goin' to make aout of it, but mebbe yeou do.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aout" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.