Pandare answerde and seyde, 'allas the whyle 1275 That I was born; have I not seyd er this, That dremes many a maner man bigyle?
That other man answerde ayein ful bytingly, and seyde: "I hadde wel understonden it, yif thou haddest holden thy tonge stille.
And she to that answerde him as hir leste; And with hir goodly wordes him disporte She gan, and ofte his sorwes to comforte.
But rys, and lat us soupe and go to reste;' And he answerde him, 'do we as thee leste.
This Pandarus, ful deed and pale of hewe, Ful pitously answerde and seyde, 'yis!
This Palamon answerde hastily, And seyde: Sire, what nedeth wordes mo?
Florent, whan he this tale herde, Unto this olde wyht answerde And of hir conseil he hir preide.
The king of that he thus answerde Was nothing wroth, bot whanne he herde The hihe wisdom which he seide, With goodly wordes this he preide, That he him wolde telle his name.
And I answerde ageyn, and seyde, 'yis, +Now knowe I hir!
And I answerde ageyn, and seyde, 'yis, 505 +Now knowe I hir!
The holwe rokkes answerde her again; No man she saw, and yit shyned the mone, And hye upon a rokke she wente sone, 2195 And saw his barge sailing in the see.
Symount answerde and seide, I gesse that he to whom he forgaf more.
And Jhesus answerde and seide to him, Symount, I han sum thing to seye to thee.
This Pandarus, ful deed and pale of hewe, Ful pitously answerde and seyde, `Yis!
But rys, and lat us soupe and go to reste;' 944 And he answerde him, `Do we as thee leste.
Pandare answerdeand seyde, `Allas the whyle 1275 That I was born; have I not seyd er this, That dremes many a maner man bigyle?
Almache answerdeunto that similitude, 'Of whennes comth thyn answering so rude?
This Melibeus, whanne he hadde herd the doctrine of his wyf dame Prudence, answerdein this wyse.
Tiburce answerde and seyde, 'brother dere, First tel me whider I shal, and to what man?
The Reve answerde and seyde, 'stint thy clappe, Lat be thy lewed dronken harlotrye.
Alle they answerde · withoute lesing, 'Oure maister is y-crouned · of outlawes king.
And Plato answerde unto him anoon, (900) 'Tak the stoon that Titanos men name.
This Palamon answerde hastily, And seyde: 'sire, what nedeth wordes mo?
I answerde 'Sarcenet' by cause of the lest coste to helpe it forward.
And the angel answerde and seyde, that sche scholde have no drede of him: for he was verry messager of Jesu Crist.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "answerde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.