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Example sentences for "answered the"

  • Oh, he hasn't come back from Washington yet," answered the housekeeper.

  • I don't know what you've done," answered the farmer, and his voice was not a pleasant one.

  • Crop it forthwith, and that in the true pumpkin-shell fashion," answered the captain.

  • No," answered the urchin, pointing to the figure that had just been put up; "I want that other Jim Crow.

  • But I have seen you all the while," answered the girl, frankly.

  • It is only those cursed church-bells," answered the god; "they leave me no rest day or night.

  • Why, you don't even know his name," answered the lad.

  • Set your heart at rest,' answered the queen; 'your whole fairy kingdom buys not the boy of me.

  • No; because we are watchful and able to protect ourselves," answered the captain.

  • Yes; it rules me like a tyrant," answered the Tiger, sorrowfully.

  • Thus, through the great friendship of the secretary the affair was arranged.

  • Do not give yourself any further trouble, Princess," answered the Dwarf.

  • You need not be afraid of that," answered the Mermaid, "the Princess thinks of no one but you, and the frightful Dwarf cannot persuade her to look at him.

  • You know best," answered the Mermaid, smiling kindly at him.

  • It can't be bought either for gold or money," answered the girl.

  • Because I love the gardener's son," answered the Princess.

  • Terribly scared, madam," answered the Lion, "for at first I thought you were going to have a fit.

  • The tobacco is lighted, and your Majesty is already smoking your pipe," answered the Steward.

  • No indeed," answered the Captain, who was walking better since he began to move edgewise.

  • It is, my dear sir," answered the Wogglebug, proudly.

  • Why, we wish to admire the scenery, that's all," answered the Wizard.

  • The same, as near as I can make out," answered the Prince; "unadulterated laziness.

  • Well, you wouldn't need, you know," answered the undergraduate.

  • I do not know," answered the lawyer, "but I have an excellent guess.

  • I have lost myself,' answered the king, 'and am trying to get home.

  • Well, my life is worth more than a thousand dogs,' answered the king, 'the welfare of my kingdom depends on me.

  • Eat your supper with a free mind first,' answered the horse, 'and follow them afterwards.

  • I have honey to sell," answered the girl, who was Zella, just come from the forest.

  • Perhaps you are right," answered the boy, "but I am determined to find him, wherever he may be.

  • Certainly," answered the Prince, and after this rebuff he did not again try to make friends with Bilbil.

  • Forgive me if I do not agree with you, King Kaliko," answered the boy.

  • Tell no one of your loss," answered the Voice of the Pearl.

  • Domestic in search of a master," answered the man in good French, but in a strange accent.

  • In some points she is," answered the Aragonese, "and this is one.

  • A hundred dollars a month," answered the bookkeeper, reluctantly.

  • I see," answered the clerk, respectfully, for Stark's words led him to think that his guest was a man of wealth.

  • No," answered the doctor, with unwonted decision.

  • Ay,' answered the man, 'and the name of the rich brother is Cain.

  • Thou speakest truly,' answered the Woodcutter, 'yet did I show thee pity when I found thee in the forest.

  • Because his heart is broken,' answered the Chamberlain.

  • In war,' answered the weaver, 'the strong make slaves of the weak, and in peace the rich make slaves of the poor.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "answered the" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    always think; answered grimly; answered her; answered quickly; answered quietly; answered she; answered slowly; answered that; answered the young captain; answered the young girl; answered the young inventor; answered they; answered young; artesian wells; duty bound; general view; here described; leaving the; lighted taper; maternal grandfather; moving equilibrium; pleasant voice; practically every; simple enough; simple thing; wise little