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Example sentences for "anisette"

Lexicographically close words:
anion; anions; anis; anise; aniseed; anisotropic; anither; anito; anker; ankercher
  1. I gave him an anisette and tried to find out what his trouble was.

  2. Jake looked from the sleeper to his companions, then at the bottles of anisette and tequila on the rough wooden shelves.

  3. To tell the truth, as the anisette fulfilled its ordained purpose and burned up his shyness in its consuming flame, he found the flirtation so delightful that an hour slipped by unnoticed.

  4. I, that might be now sitting in the cantina of Ignacio Flores at Las Bocas, selling aguardiente and anisette to his custom?

  5. Then letting down the wooden shutter, she filled two copas of anisette and, leaning on one shapely elbow, pledged him in Spanish.

  6. I went to Jerez, with a letter from Pastia to a dealer in anisette whose house was the smugglers' meeting-place.

  7. One evening I was with Dorotea, whom I had almost tamed by giving her a glass of anisette now and then, when Carmen walked in, followed by a young man, a lieutenant in our regiment.

  8. And she related that formerly at Plassans she used to drink anisette with her mother.

  9. The anisette even seemed to be very good, perhaps rather too sweet and slightly sickening.

  10. The anisette had slightly bothered her stomach.

  11. She is so fond of walks," Anisette replied, with a tooth on her lip Fellingham thought she seemed fond of runs.

  12. Anisette admonished the vindictive young gentleman by saying, "How long do you stay in Crikswich, Mr. Fellingham?

  13. Anisette prudently avoided letting her father understand that satire was in the air; and neither he nor Tinman was conscious of it exactly: yet both shrank within themselves under the sensation of a devilish blast blowing.

  14. When Marie had taken anisette she was prodigal in her attentions to Brisemotte, which Rouget could not behold with a calm eye, especially since having become sensitive, he also wished to be loved.

  15. Marie Rouget drank one night so much anisette that she was sick.

  16. But no whiskey had been drunk out of them--the odor of anisette is unmistakable.

  17. In each I found traces of anisette cordial, and though no bottle stood near I was very confident that it could readily be found somewhere in the room.

  18. Anisette liqueur may be used in place of the absinthe if more convenient.

  19. Put a teaspoonful of powdered sugar and a half pony of anisette on each half.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anisette" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.