If another anito seeks to harm us, you will protect us.
It is not improbable that when she bent over the foot she was supposed to be inhaling or swallowing the anito which she later sought to cast from her.
Each household then calls the names of the classes of malignant anito which destroy life and property, and suggests to them that they spend their fury elsewhere.
Though the ancestral anito are religiously bidden to the feast, the people eat it all, no part being sacrificed for these invisible guests.
Exorcist Since the anito is the cause of all bodily afflictions the chief function of the person who battles for the health of the afflicted is that of the exorcist, rather than that of the therapeutist.
The breast was again put in the pot, and as the basket was packed up in preparation for departure the anito of ancestors were invited to a feast of chicken and rice in order that the ceremony might be blessed.
The reason for this is the belief that the anito of the ancestor cares for and protects its descendants when they are abroad.
The anito father is said to have been with the mother of the twins in her unconscious slumber, and she is in no way criticised or reproached.
A babe, slumbering or awake, is never laid down alone because of the fear that an anitowill injure it.
The anito dwell in and about the pueblo, and, among other of their functions, they cause almost all diseases and ailments of the people and practically all deaths.
Food is eaten and the one in charge addresses the anito of the dead man as follows: We have fixed all things right and well for you.
The MaƱga-anito danced around the patient and bad him dance and turn somersaults.
Aside from the anito belief, the Negritos have other superstitions.
For there was oneanito for the mountains and open country; another for the sowed fields; others for the sea and rivers; another for the house of their dwelling.
There was an anito of the sea, to whom they commended their fisheries and navigations; an anito of the house, whose favor they implored whenever an infant was born, and when it was suckled and the breast offered to it.
If the prophecy was one of life, the people ate and drank, chanted the histories of the ancestors of the sick person and of the anito to which the sacrifice was being made, and danced until they fell through sheer exhaustion.
The divata or anito were guardian spirits, and among some tribes were represented by idols of gold, ivory, or stone.
Each anito was therefore named for his office; there was, for instance, the anito of the fields, and the anito of the rain.
These beings were called anitos, and each anito had a special office.
This invocation of the anito continued as long as the sickness lasted.
The Indians sang, drank, and feasted until the catalonan came to himself, and told them the answer that the anito had given to him.
He offered the sacrifice, requesting from the anito whatever the people desired him to ask, and heaping up great quantities of rice, meat, and fish.
Now, with their new religious ideas, the Tagals apply the term anito to any superstition, false worship, idol, etc.
It appears that the natives called anito a tutelary genius, either of the family, or extraneous to it.
The temples dedicated to the anito were called ulango.
Among these women, one who was a leader claimed that heranito was a very close friend of the anito of the Christians and had descended to the earth from heaven.
Upon the occasion of a certain illness, he allowed himself to be persuaded to make a similar sacrifice to the devil, induced by the suggestion that he should at least give half of his body to the anito to see if he could heal it.
This leader said that the father's anito (thus they style their deities) was greater than those of other men, and for that reason they recognized him as superior.
The Anitooccurs amongst the tribes of the Malayan Archipelago as Antu, but the Anito of the Philippines is essentially a protecting spirit, while the Malayan Antu is rather of a demoniacal kind.
He has also furnished numerous examples of Anito cult surviving in Christian communities.
The ancestor worship is as old as history, for the discoverers of the Philippines found it in full bloom, and rightly has Blumentritt characterized Anito worship as the ground form of Philippine religion.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anito" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.