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Example sentences for "anciently"

Lexicographically close words:
anciennes; anciens; ancient; ancienter; ancientest; ancients; ancillae; ancillam; ancillary; ancker
  1. The word was anciently used to signify some degree of alienation of mind.

  2. It is most true, that was anciently spoken, A place showeth the man.

  3. The district had been anciently called Elaiatis, from the excellency of the oil it yielded; and the Parghiotes improved this quality to the utmost.

  4. Sardis, one of the seven churches of the Apocalypse, was anciently the capital of the rich kingdom of Lydia.

  5. The Cyclades of the Propontis was anciently called Demonesca, or the “islands of spirits;” but under the Lower Empire they assumed another denomination.

  6. Reparata stood, and more anciently the Baths of Hadrian, the Emperor.

  7. It is manifest that this whole region was anciently far more populous than it is now.

  8. These antiquities show that this section of the continent was anciently occupied by a people admirably skilled in the arts of masonry, building, and architectural decoration.

  9. In 1788 Mr. Gough published, in the Archæologia, “Observations on certain Stamps or Seals used anciently by the Oculists.

  10. The two Sirens can be placed with, I should say, confidence, on the island of Salina anciently called Didyme from the two high mountains, each about 3000 feet high, of which it consists.

  11. A few miles north-westward from Barry are the remains of Penmark castle, anciently the property of Sir Gilbert Humphreville, one of the followers of Fitzhamon.

  12. It was anciently a more populous place than at present, the navigation of the river, having at one time extended from Southampton to this town; whereas, it now ceases at Winchester.

  13. The town was anciently called Bath-quelle; it appears to have derived its name from its Bath-well, the immediate site of which has been for many years occupied by a collector of minerals and fossils for private cabinets.

  14. It was anciently a borough by prescription, and of some note in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, when it became the property of the Beauchamps, and afterwards of the Grevilles.

  15. This town was anciently a fee for the barons of Dunham Massey, one of whom granted to it a guild mercatory in the thirteenth century.

  16. This gateway was denominated the fire-bell gate, from its having anciently contained the curfew; it is a square embattled structure, with an octagonal turret at one of the angles.

  17. The manor, anciently an estate of the Windsors, afterwards became the property of the Monks of Burnham Abbey, a building but a few miles distant.

  18. The Runn is also liable to be overflowed occasionally in some parts by river-water: and it is remarkable that the only portion which was ever highly cultivated (that anciently called Sayra) is now permanently submerged.

  19. Anciently it was the seat of numerous cities, and is now dotted with ruins in its whole extent.

  20. Depression of mind, delirium and insanity, were anciently attributed to evil spirits, which were put to flight by suitable harmonies.

  21. The term "the lady in the straw," merely meant the lady confined to her bed, as all beds were anciently stuffed with straw.

  22. The tenants were obliged to carry a single horse-load, anciently fish, once a year to Mowbreck Hall, near Kirkham; but this service was commuted for a small rent called carriage rent.

  23. Such is the general aspiration and belief among the Moors of Barbary; who consider Spain, or Andaluz, as it was anciently called, their rightful heritage, of which they have been despoiled by treachery and violence.

  24. Astrakhan was anciently the capital of a Tatar state, and stood some 7 m.

  25. The Star Chamber was probably so named from being anciently ornamented with golden stars.

  26. Anciently the boys wore caps, but now they go bare-headed through the year.

  27. In addition to those already mentioned, there were anciently two other double gateways to the close.

  28. It lies on the south side of the close, and anciently commanded a lovely view over the straggling city in the valley beneath, and over the surrounding country.

  29. A narrow barred window over the door lights a small room anciently used as a watching-chamber.

  30. But to perséver] This word was anciently accented on the second syllable.

  31. Her golden couplets are disclos'd,] To disclose, was anciently used for to hatch.

  32. Phoebus' cart] A chariot was anciently called a cart.

  33. Com'st thou to beard me] To beard anciently meant to set at defiance.

  34. Winchester, being the capital of the West Saxon monarchy, was anciently a considerable city.

  35. Liber homo" anciently signified a gentleman: for scarce any one beside was entirely free.

  36. The abbots in the monasteries of royal foundation were anciently named by the king; though Edgar gave the monks the election, and only reserved to himself the ratification.

  37. The sheriff had anciently both the administration of justice and the management of the king's revenue committed to him in the county.

  38. What were anciently called Mount Zion and Mount Calvary, are both within the present walls of the city.

  39. On what was anciently called Mount Zion, where the temple stood, I erected another, and used the rod according to the prediction upon my head.

  40. Asia is divided from Europe by the river Don, anciently the Tanais, by the Euxine or Black Sea, and by the Bosphorus and Dardanelles, or Straits of Constantinople.

  41. Massua is a small island very low and flat, in which anciently stood the city of Ptolomaida of the wild beasts.

  42. Red Sea to the great city of Cairo, called anciently Babylon of Egypt.

  43. This empire begins at Cape Guardafu, called anciently Aromata, whence running along the Red Sea, with desert and not very crooked coasts, it reaches to the boundaries of the rich city of Swakem.

  44. All the land from hence to Arsinoe, at the northern extremity of the Red Sea, was anciently called Enco.

  45. According to Pliny, in the sixth book of his Natural History, and Ptolomy in his third book of Africa, this place of Al Kossir was anciently named Phioteras[307].

  46. Anciently the Carnival, with its merrymaking before the austerities of Lent, was held to begin at the Epiphany.

  47. Whatever loyalty the nation had anciently felt to the Stuarts had cooled during their long absence.

  48. In the sixteenth century the dread inspired by Spain had suspended the animosity of which France had anciently been the object.

  49. The SWAN, a very large and famous inn, anciently stood in the road near the farm called Shakestones.

  50. The use of the horse as a sign is probably derived both from the animal himself and from the part he anciently played in Heraldry.

  51. It is an ancient sign, which is thought by Larwood and Hotten to have originated in the fact that anciently entertainment was to be had at the castles of the great, as at an inn.

  52. Safâ and Merwâ are two mountains near Mecca, whereon were anciently two idols, to which the pagan Arabs used to pay a superstitious veneration.

  53. These notions Mohammed certainly borrowed from the Jews, among whom they were very anciently received.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anciently" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.