There is also a curious Hormosiphon, at a height of 7000 feet; forming anastomosing gelatinous masses.
The worm has a simple unarmed mouth, its body being marked by a series of annulations formed of incompletely anastomosing rings.
He gives the name terminal arteries to those which have no anastomosing arterial branches.
Sometimes headache or other cerebral symptoms arise, probably from the fact that the meningeal artery, which supplies the meninges, is connected by anastomosingbranches with the tympanum.
An embolic anæmia is complete or incomplete according to the terminal or anastomosing character of the obstructed vessel.
This appearance has suggested that the network is formed of branching and anastomosing cells.
His experiments lead him to maintain that arterial blood from surrounding tissues is supplied to the obstructed region through the anastomosing capillaries.
It is pointed towards both ends, green with anastomosingveins on the outside and membranous, white and nerveless on the other side.
The first glume is dorsally hairy, or glabrous, narrowed from the middle upwards, chartaceous, with incurved margins and six or seven anastomosing nerves.
Hind-wings with vein 8 anastomosing with cell to beyond middle.
Hind-wings with veins 6 and 7 connate or stalked (rarely approximated or coincident), 8 anastomosing with cell nearly or quite from base to middle or beyond.
Fore-wings with areole simple, vein 11 running into or anastomosing with 12.
Hind-wings with 8 anastomosing with cell from near base to beyond middle.
Hind-wings with veins 6 and 7 stalked or separate, 8 anastomosing shortly with margin of cell near base.
The gills are decurrent, branched; anastomosing behind, near the stem; easily separating from the hymenophore.
The anastomosing veins on the cap and its pale violaceous color will mark the species.
Hymenium composed of broad radiating lamellæ, connected by very numerous and narrow anastomosing branches or partitions, forming large angular pores.
The gills are vein-like, close, muchanastomosing above, long decurrent and subparallel below, concolorous.
The more completely can communication be established between these anastomosing veins the less severe the results of portal obstruction.
The pelvic veins do not readily discharge their blood by the natural channels, and by anastomosing branches it is forced over the surface of the abdomen and into the thoracic veins, these latter becoming in turn greatly enlarged.
The uterine vessels were continued into this substance, and formed a number of little loops round the villi, thus anastomosing with each other.
Toward the center of the pileus are irregular wrinkles or shallow pits, the wrinkles anastomosing more or less, and it is because of this character of the surface of the pileus that the plant receives its specific name.
A few of them are forked toward the base, and the surface and the space between them are marked by anastomosing veins forming a reticulum suggestive of the hymenium of the Polyporaceæ.
The gills are forked, somewhat anastomosing at the base, and sinuous in outline, though not markedly corrugated as in the next form.
Under view showing decurrent and anastomosing gills on the stem.
Capillitium of slender pale brown threads; these branch several times with lateral anastomosing branchlets, forming a rather open network of small meshes, ending with very short free extremities.
The resultant structure in Reticularia is a mass of more or less lengthened and anastomosing threads; in Enteridium, an exceedingly delicate but sufficiently persistent sponge.
The diagnosis in any case turns upon the presence or absence of a surface net, formed, in Stemonitis, by the anastomosing of the ultimate divisions of the capillitial branches.
Some of these branch repeatedly with flat anastomosing branchlets, ultimately fray out into lengthened threads, and perish after all the superstructure has been blown away.
It communicates directly with the general cavity of the body of the animal, by every channel which approaches it, while the two ranges of network approach each other by a great number of anastomosing processes.
Into the layer a number of anastomosing cells, mainly derived from the epiblast, though according to Chun (No.
The nearest approach to the Stylasteridae is perhaps to be found in Ceratella, with its arborescent trophosome formed of anastomosing coenosarcal tubes supported by a thick perisarc and covered by a common ectoderm.
The trophosome consists of a mass of coenosarcal tubes anastomosing in all planes.
It is uniformly composed throughout of a colorless mucilage, with no appreciable texture, in which are distributed very fine, diversely branched, and anastomosing filaments.
The anastomosing vessels enlarge more and more, carry blood freely from above to below the ligature, and thence to below the tumour; some even passing to the latter situation directly from above the ligature.
In consequence of the enlargement of the anastomosing branches, and the increasing circulation in them, pulsation generally returns in the tumour, to a slight degree, some days after the operation.
In a small proportion of cases, dilatation fails to give relief, and recourse has been had to anastomosing the lower end of the dilated and pouched œsophagus with the stomach.
The spores are ovoid, and apparently covered with anastomosing raised lines.
Endlicher's description of them is so clear, that it is well to repeat it here: "Veins anastomosing [i.
After the hepatic cylinders have become canalized they preserve the same arrangement, hence the resulting biliary capillaries of the adult form an anastomosing network.
The proximal portion, situated between the layers of the mesentery, gives numerous anastomosing branches to the intestine and is converted into the main trunk of the superior mesenteric artery.
In the Polycyttaria all capsules of one colony or "coenobium" are connected by the dense variable network of anastomosing pseudopodia.
Free apophyses of the radial spines branched, and by reunion of their anastomosing branches forming perforated shields.
Apophyses of the long compressed radial spines with anastomosing branches; each spine bearing two free separated shields (each with two roundish aspinal pores).
Apophyses of all twenty radial spines with forked anastomosing branches, forming a more or less irregular cup-like fenestrated shield, pierced by a variable number of pores.
Free apophyses of the radial spines branched, and forming perforated shields by union of theiranastomosing branches.
Sphaeroidea# living associated in colonies, united by an alveolar jelly-body, and connected by the network ofanastomosing pseudopodia.
Apophyses of the long cylindrical spines with anastomosing branches; each spine bearing a single free shield with four crossed aspinal pores of equal size (on the margin of the shield twelve to sixteen spikes).
The stroma most clearly divides up the epithelium of the ovary into separate masses, or more probably anastomosing columns, the equivalents of the egg-tubes of Pflueger.
The greater part of the germinal epithelium forms anastomosing columns, separated by very thin tracts of stroma.
Anastomosing branches of the systemic aorta considered in reference to the operations of arresting by ligature the direct circulation through the arteries of the head, neck, upper limbs, pelvis, and lower limbs.
When either of the common carotids is tied, the circulation will be maintained through the anastomosing branches of the opposite vessels as above specified.
Anastomosing branches of the thoracic and abdominal parts of the aorta.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anastomosing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.